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National Freight Data
VicRoads Traffic Volumes for Freeways and Arterial Roads
This data shows traffic volumes for freeways (excluding toll roads) and arterial roads in Victoria. The annual average daily traffic volume is provided, including the number of commercial vehicles. The data provided is for 2020, with values derived from traffic surveys or estimates. -
National Freight Data
HVR Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) 40T, VIC
This is the Victorian road network that has been assessed for Class 1 gazetted 40 tonne Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) network map. The roads accessibility has been divided into 3 categories: Approved, Approved - Conditions Apply, and Restricted. -
National Freight Data
HVR Road Train, VIC
This is the road network that has been assessed for Class 2 Road Train Heavy Vehicles. The roads accessibility has been divided into 3 categories: Approved, Approved - Conditions Apply, and Restricted. -
National Freight Data
Pavement Condition Data, VIC
Map Service containing Pavement Condition and Surface Inspection Data for roads. -
National Freight Data
VicRoads Road Projects
VicRoadsRoadProjects: This dataset shows the range of projects that VicRoads is undertaking in in the current year to improve the condition and safety of Victoria's roads. This map provides information about projects that are either already underway, are planned to start or will be completed in... -
Road Safety Data
Victoria Road Crash Information System
The Road Crash Information System (RCIS) provides crash data from Victorian road incidents dating back to 1987. The information is sourced from Victoria Police. RCIS provides tools for analysing road crashes in Victoria. This data allows local government road safety practitioners to better... -
National Freight Data
Higher Mass Limit Network, VIC
This is Victoria's road network that has been assessed for Class 2 & Class 3 Heavy Vehicles at Higher Mass Limits (HML) can use. The roads accessibility has been divided into 3 categories: Approved, Approved - Conditions Apply, and Restricted. -
National Freight Data
HVR High Productivity Freight Vehicle (HPFV) Mass, VIC
This Class 2 Quad-Tri and Quad-Quad network shows roads mapped in five categories: approved (green), conditionally approved (orange), restricted (red), under assessment (purple) and funded improvements (blue).