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Regional Data Hub
Regional Development Australia Priority Matrix
Regional Development Australia Committees (RDAs) work across key priority areas to optimise impact in the regions. The priority matrix is a snap-shot of each RDA’s focus areas. The RDA matrix helps to identify common issues or challenges, and identify opportunities of working together with other... -
Regional Data Hub
Crime Mapping Tool - SA
Summary statistics and an interactive map showing crime rates, produced by the South Australia Police. Data is available on a range of offences against property and persons, for South Australian suburbs and postcodes. Downloadable PDF reports and machine-readable CSV files are available. -
Regional Data Hub
Australian Exposure Information Portal
The Australian Exposure Information Portal (AEIP) provides access to nationally consistent exposure information and is created by Geoscience Australia (GA), in partnership with the Bushfire & Natural Hazard CRC. It can be used to assess risk from natural or man-made hazards. It includes... -
Regional Data Hub
Primary Health Network (PHN) locator map
An interactive map that allows users to identify their local Primary Health Network (PHN) region, produced by the Department of Health and Aged Care. Users can find the PHN for a location by clicking the map or searching for an address. Overlays are available for electorates and Statistical Area... -
Regional Data Hub
NSW Crime Tool
Summary statistics and interactive maps showing data on criminal incidents, victims and alleged offenders in NSW. Data is available on local government areas (LGAs), suburbs and postcodes. Data can also be examined on sex, age and Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander status. LGA data is... -
Regional Data Hub
TAS Crime Statistics Supplement - 2021-22
The Department of Police, Fire and Emergency Management Crime Statistics Supplement 2021-22 provides a breakdown of the offences reported or becoming known to police in the financial year ending 30 June 2022. Five-year trend data are included for many of the measures. Data is provided aggregated... -
Regional Data Hub
Mortality Over Regions and Time (MORT) books
Mortality Over Regions and Time (MORT) books are Excel (XLSX) workbooks that contain recent mortality data (2016-2020) for specific geographical areas of Australia, sourced from the AIHW National Mortality Database. The workbooks also present the leading 20 causes of death by sex for specific... -
Regional Data Hub
National Wastewater Drug Monitoring Program Reports
The National Wastewater Drug Monitoring Program commenced in August 2016 and provides national research and intelligence on illicit and licit drugs, with a specific focus on methylamphetamine and other high-risk substances. The Program is funded from the Australian Criminal Intelligence... -
Regional Data Hub
Northern Territory Crime Statistics
The Northern Territory crime statistics are prepared by the Department of the Attorney-General and Justice using data recorded by the Northern Territory Police. They are published on the NT Police, Fire and Emergency Services website. The statistics are updated on a monthly basis and provide... -
Regional Data Hub
Crime Statistics, Victoria
Summary statistics, maps and data visualisations on crime in Victoria, produced by the Crime Statistics Agency as part of the Victoria State Government. Data is available on type of offences, victims, and demographic characteristics of alleged offenders. Data is available on local government... -
Regional Data Hub
ACT Crime Statistics and Data
Summary statistics and an interactive map showing data on criminal offences, including traffic infringements, are published by ACT Policing. Data is available to view on the map for suburbs and postcodes and can be downloaded for larger patrol regions as an Excel (XLSX) spreadsheet. -
Regional Data Hub
Medicare-subsidised GP, allied health and specialist health care across local ar...
The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) provides downloadable datasets covering the use of non-hospital Medicare-subsidised services, such as GP, allied health, specialist, diagnostic imaging, and nursing and Aboriginal health workers. The data are presented at national and state... -
Regional Data Hub
Story of our Children and Young People, Northern Territory
The Story of Our Children and Young People is an overview of the wellbeing of children and young people in the NT, prepared by the NT Government. Data is available for the Northern Territory and its six regions. In the 2021 Story, data is also presented by sub-region and/or Aboriginal status. The... -
Regional Data Hub
Specialist homelessness services annual report
The specialist homelessness services annual report is created by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW). It summarises the characteristics of clients receiving support from specialist homelessness services over the year. It includes data on the services requested, outcomes... -
Regional Data Hub
Crime Victimisation, Australia
National and state and territory crime rates for assault, threat, robbery, break-in, theft or stealing, property damage and police reporting rates. Data is compiled from the Crime Victimisation Survey, carried out by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). Data is available aggregated to... -
Regional Data Hub
Crime in Western Australia
The Western Australia Police Force provides crime statistics in interactive graphs and tables, and as downloadable tables and reports. Data is provided on offence type and down to the suburb level. Data also available for WA state total and state-defined metropolitan and regional areas. -
Regional Data Hub
Estimating Homelessness: Census
The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) provides estimates of people experiencing homelessness or who are marginally housed. Estimates are calculated every five years from the Census of Population and Housing, starting from 2006. Available geographic levels include SA2, SA3, SA4, States and... -
Regional Data Hub
Queensland Regional Profiles
Users can create statistical reports on a range of Queensland community types (e.g. local government areas), produced by the Queensland Government Statistician's Office. These reports are generated automatically using the latest demographic, social and economic data available. Data themes include... -
Regional Data Hub
General Social Survey
The ABS General Social Survey provides data on the social characteristics, wellbeing and social experiences of people in Australia. Specific topics also include voluntary and unpaid work, housing, cultural tolerance, crime and safety, financial stress and sexual orientation. Demographic... -
Regional Data Hub
Queensland Crime Maps and Statistics
The Queensland Police Service provides data on crime statistics through three main formats: An interactive crime map, annual reports as downloadable PDF documents, and downloadable CSV datasets. The interactive crime map provides information on the types of crimes that happened in Queensland over...