11 datasets found | Can't find what you're looking for? Try on data.gov.au

Type: Collection Tags: Economy

  • Regional Data Hub

    Property Sales and Trends, WA

    Data for top weekly property sales by suburb, gross rental value (GRV) statistics, and unimproved value (UV) statistics in Western Australia are published by Landgate, WA government. Weekly sales data includes the top 10 suburbs by total turnover and by numbers sold. Weekly top 10 most expensive...
  • Regional Data Hub

    National Waste Database and Reports

    Data on Australia's waste generation, recovery and fate for all waste streams and various material categories is available in the National Waste Report (PDF document) and the National Waste Database (Excel tables). Both the Report and the Database present information at national and...
  • Regional Data Hub

    PHIDU - Social Health Atlas

    From Public Health Information Development Unit's (PHIDU) homepage, users can access a range of resources including the following. Data workbooks in Excel (XLSX) format and online, interactive visualisations and maps present the latest Social Health Atlases of Australia by a range of geographies,...
  • Regional Data Hub

    Local Council Waste and Resource Recovery Data, NSW

    The NSW Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) publishes local council data on domestic waste and recycling. Data is published annually based on voluntary survey responses from NSW local councils. Alongside a written report (PDF), each release includes data tables (Excel format) with extensive...
  • Regional Data Hub


    Data.SA provides a searchable catalogue of datasets and resources released openly by South Australian Government agencies and local councils, including a wide range of topics and geographic regions within South Australia. Users can search the portal using keywords, refine results using filters,...
  • Regional Data Hub


    Data.NSW provides a searchable catalogue of datasets and resources released openly by New South Wales Government agencies, including a wide range of topics and geographic regions within New South Wales. Users can search the portal using keywords, refine results using filters, or browse datasets...
  • Regional Data Hub


    Data.Vic provides a searchable catalogue of Victorian Government open data, including a wide range of topics and geographic regions within Victoria. Users can search the portal using keywords and refine results using filters. Data.Vic is owned by the State Government of Victoria, and is...
  • Regional Data Hub

    Queensland Government Open Data Portal

    The Queensland Government Open Data Portal provides a searchable catalogue of datasets and resources released openly by Queensland Government agencies, including a wide range of topics and geographic regions within Queensland. Users can search the portal using keywords, refine results using...
  • Regional Data Hub

    Data WA

    Data WA provides a searchable catalogue of datasets and resources released openly by the public sector in Western Australia, including a wide range of topics and geographic regions within Western Australia. Users can search the portal using keywords, refine results using filters, or browse...
  • Regional Data Hub

    NT Government Open Data Portal

    The NTG Open Data Portal provides a searchable catalogue of datasets and resources released openly by Northern Territory Government agencies, including a wide range of topics and geographic regions within the Northern Territory. Users can search the portal using keywords, refine results using...
  • Regional Data Hub

    ACT Government Open Data Portal

    The ACT Government Open Data Portal provides a searchable catalogue of datasets and resources released openly by ACT Government agencies, including a wide range of topics and geographic regions within the ACT. Users can search the portal using keywords, refine results using filters, or browse...
You can also access this registry using the API (see API Docs).