25 datasets found | Can't find what you're looking for? Try on data.gov.au

Type: Dataset Source Organisations: Department of Infra...

  • National Freight Data

    Milk Commodity Report

    This paper publication covers the production of raw milk, fresh processed milk and milk powder/UHT for domestic consumption and export. This paper deals with milk from cattle only, excluding milk from other sources such as goat, sheep and plant-based milks. This study is focussed primarily on...
  • National Freight Data

    Grain (wheat) Commodity Report

    This publication contains analyses of data related to performance of domestic and international grain (wheat) supply chains. This study is focussed primarily on understanding the risks associated with road freight activity and the movement of grain. Key Australian freight metrics for wheat are...
  • National Freight Data

    Cement Commodity Report

    This publication contains analyses of data related to performance of domestic and international cement supply chains. Focus is placed on understanding the risks associated with road and port freight activity, with key Australian freight metrics benchmarked against the United States (U.S.) and...
  • National Freight Data

    Fuel (refined) Commodity Report

    This paper publication covers the import and domestic distribution of crude-oil based fuels refined offshore. It covers movement of fuels from port to retail outlet and commercial premises in Australia, New Zealand and Canada. The National Freight and Supply Chain Strategy website can be found...
  • National Freight Data

    Seafood (fish and prawns) Commodity Report

    This paper publication covers the import and export of fish and prawns in a chilled, frozen, fresh, or processed state. It covers movements of seafood from port, catch or farm to distribution centres with limited focus on last-mile distribution. Crustaceans and shellfish are excluded from the...
  • National Freight Data

    General Goods (containerised household goods) Commodity Report

    This paper publication covers the flow of general goods from their port of importation through to distribution centres. The term “general goods” refers to general household cargo such as plasticware, furniture, clothes, electronics, and home appliances. General goods are typically containerised...
  • National Freight Data

    Wood (roundwood logs and woodchips) Commodity Report

    This report covers the movement of roundwood logs & woodchips from harvest (i.e., forest) to mills or to port for export. The movement of wood after it has been turned into different products such as paper, timber or panels is not covered in this study. This study is focussed primarily on...
  • National Freight Data

    Harmonised Traffic Counts (snapshot release)

    The Harmonised Traffic Counts dataset reports on the number and type of vehicles travelling past traffic counter stations across Australia in a given duration, over time. Depending on the sophistication of the counter and the provider, counts can be by vehicle classification (using the AustRoads...
  • National Freight Data

    Vehicle (new) Commodity Report

    This report publication covers the movement of new finished passenger vehicles (cars, SUVs and light commercial vehicles) from point of importation to delivery to customer or vehicle dealership. Heavy commercial vehicle imports are not captured in this report. This study is focussed primarily on...
  • National Freight Data

    National Formal Rest Areas

    Regular stops and the opportunity for rest breaks are essential for safe driving, and formal rest areas are provided to help drivers manage fatigue and comply with driving hours regulations (by providing an opportunity for sleep and rest breaks). Information on rest area locations and facilities...
  • National Freight Data

    Asset Registers

    This dataset is a harmonised version of the 2017 and 2018 Asset Registers and Heavy Vehicle Infrastructure Ratings spreadsheets from State and Territory road managers, allowing for detailed inspection and visualisation of selected values for State and Territory managed roads for 2017 and 2018.
  • National Freight Data

    Harmonised National Roadworks and Road Closures

    This national harmonised dataset uses daily updates from State and Territory roadworks endpoints (APIs) to build a nationally consistent, harmonised historic database of roadworks and road closures over time across all of Australia. By doing the work of collecting and harmonising data to the...
  • National Freight Data

    Maritime Business - Voyage Reports

    The Coastal Trading (Revitalising Australian Shipping) Act 2012 requires copies of all voyage reports received to be published on the Department's website.
  • National Freight Data

    Voyage Reports

    Coastal trading is the movement of cargo or passengers on ships between ports in different states and territories in Australia in connection with a commercial activity. Coastal trading in Australia is regulated by the Coastal Trading (Revitalising Australian Shipping) Act 2012 (Coastal Trading Act).
  • Road Safety Data

    Hospitalised Injuries from Road Crashes

    This dataset provides a summary of the number of hospitalised injuries (injuries resulting in hospitalisation but not hospital death) from road crashes. The series is produced by the Road Safety Data Hub using data sourced from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare.
  • Regional Data Hub

    Census Mortgage and Rent Affordability Indicators for LGAs and SA2s

    These tables provide counts of households according to indicators of mortgage and rent affordability, crossed with equivalised household income. The data is sourced from Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Census of Population and Housing data for 2011, 2016, and 2021. The data is aggregated...
  • National Freight Data

    Household Waste Deep Dive Report

    This publication contains analyses of data related to performance of domestic and international household waste and wine supply chains. This study is focussed primarily on understanding the risks associated with road and rail freight activity, materials management and the movement of freight...
  • National Freight Data

    Wine Commodity Report

    This publication contains analyses of data related to performance of domestic and international wine and waste supply chains. This study is focussed primarily on understanding the risks associated with road, rail and sea freight activity and the movement of containerised freight carrying wine and...
  • National Freight Data

    Harmonised Traffic Counts

    The Harmonised Traffic Counts dataset reports on the number and type of vehicles travelling past traffic counter stations across Australia in a given duration, over time. Depending on the sophistication of the counter and the provider, counts can be by vehicle classification (using the Austroads...
  • National Freight Data

    National Land Transport Network (NLTN) 2014

    FeatureService providing a visualisation and popup for different segments of the National Land Transport Network (NLTN). Road corridors are split at jurisdiction boundaries. Each feature carries the name and formal description of the corridor, together with the Category [Urban | Non-Urban], the...
You can also access this registry using the API (see API Docs).