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National Freight Data
Australian Aggregate Freight Forecasts - 2019 Update
This report presents long-term forecasts of total Australian freight volumes, for road, rail, coastal shipping and aviation, between 2018 and 2040. -
National Freight Data
International airline activity
These reports summarise annual (calendar or financial year) international aircraft, passenger, freight and mail movements, flights, available seats, seat load factors and airline market shares. Details are provided for airline, country, city pair and airport. -
National Freight Data
Tasmanian Freight Schemes—Parameter Review 2013
Bulk wheat freight costs, Trends in bulk wheat freight rates; 2011, Tasmanian Freight Schemes Parameter Review, BITRE, Canberra ACT. -
National Freight Data
Australian Aircraft Activity
This annual survey covers all Australian registered aircraft used in the Commercial Air Transport and General Aviation sectors of the Australian aviation industry. -
National Freight Data
The Freightline series is intended to provide information on interregional freight movements across Australia, filling a major gap in Australian transport-related data and information, to help better inform and support policy development and infrastructure planning. -
National Freight Data
Australian sea freight
Statistical reports that provide information on Australian sea freight movements, port activity and fleet structure. -
National Freight Data
Road freight estimates, forecasts in Australia: interstate, capital cities, rest...
Road freight estimates -
National Freight Data
An Overview of the Australian Road Freight Transport Industry
This paper presents the results of a desk study of the road freight industry -
National Freight Data
Australia's Bulk Ports
The report provides a profile of Australia's principal bulk ports and the logistics chain that delivers commodities through those ports.