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Collections: Road Safety Data

  • Road Safety Data

    NT Driver Licensing and Registration Statistics

    The NT driver licensing and registration statistics contain quarterly trends for the total numbers of active licenses and vehicles registered in the NT including the breakdown of license types and classes and vehicle types.
  • Road Safety Data

    Annual Lives Lost on NT Roads

    Annual statistics of lives lost on NT roads based on road user type as at December each year. Shows breakdown of demographics of individuals and whether lives were lost on urban or regional roads.
  • Road Safety Data

    BITRE Road Vehicles

    Provides statistics relating to the number of vehicles registered for road use in Australia on 31st January 2023. The statistics have been derived from state and territory motor vehicle registry data. This release replaces the ABS Motor Vehicle Census, which was discontinued in 2021.
  • Road Safety Data

    National Walking and Cycling Participation Survey - CWANZ

    The National Walking and Cycling Participation Survey provides insight into walking and cycling activity across Australia and is a successor to the National Cycling Participation Survey which was conducted biennially from 2011 to 2019.
  • Road Safety Data

    NSW Safety Performance Indicators Observational Survey

    The NSW Safety Performance Indicators Observational Study report aims to identify key road user behaviours through monitoring of Safety Performance Indicators (SPIs). This study focuses on identifying the gaps for the following road user behaviours: light vehicle seat belt use, motorcycle helmet...
  • Road Safety Data

    Queensland Roads and Tracks

    Queensland Roads and Tracks is the Department of Resources' foundation dataset of road data. It is a vector (line segment) dataset depicting the approximal centreline location and attributes of roads and tracks across Queensland. It does not replicate a navigable product.
  • Road Safety Data

    Road Deaths Australia—Monthly Bulletins

    Latest summaries of road crash deaths and fatal road crashes are presented here. Updates are monthly and published on BITRE's website on or around the 14th of each month. Data are sourced from the road traffic or police authorities in each jurisdiction. Data are preliminary and subject to revision.
  • Road Safety Data

    WA Road Crash Information (last 5 years)

    Crashes are recorded in the Integrated Road Information System (IRIS). The dataset provided is of crashes over the past 5 calendar years.
  • Road Safety Data

    Queensland Speed Limits for State and Local Roads

    Speed limit information for most of Queensland's roads. Includes state and locally controlled roads. Point-in-time data as per date of collection in dataset.
  • Road Safety Data

    Prevalence and Determinants of Speeding Survey - QLD

    The Department of Transport and Main Roads conducts an annual survey of Queensland motorists focusing on road safety attitudes and behaviours, as well as support for our safety initiatives. Since 2020 this annual survey has primarily focused on speeding, speed enforcement, roadworks, and school...
  • Road Safety Data

    Severe Injuries from Road Crashes

    These data extracts from the Australia New Zealand Trauma Registry (ANZTR) provide summary of tables of severe injury cases (admitted patients with an Injury Severity Score > 12) from participating hospitals. The report has separate tables for on-road transport, off-road transport, unknown...
  • Road Safety Data

    NSW Road Crash Data

    This data provides a view of crash locations and environmental conditions as well as the involved vehicle types and the drivers and people who are injured or lose their lives.
  • Road Safety Data

    E-Survey of Road Users' Attitudes

    The E-Survey of Road Users' Attitudes (ESRA) collects road safety performance and road safety culture data. The main themes covered in the survey include: self-declared behaviour, attitudes and opinions on unsafe traffic behaviour, enforcement experiences and support for policy measures. The data...
  • Road Safety Data

    Lives Lost on NT Roads

    Annual crash statistics for fatalities and serious injuries in the NT. Provides information on road user groups, key contributing factors, demographics, crash type, road surface and location of the fatality or serious injury. The information is provided to the Department of Infrastructure,...
  • Road Safety Data

    South Australia Road Crash Reports and Factsheets

    A collection of South Australian progress and road crash reports and factsheets for fatal and serious road crash facts including road user groups and local government area (LGA) maps.
  • Road Safety Data

    Bus Safety Statistical Snapshot

    This statistical snapshot provides a newly consolidated view of the bus fleet along with information on crashes, injuries and deaths involving buses. Key insights include: Bus fleet: most buses involved in a crash are on the younger side – 10 years old or less. Fatal crashes: bus crashes made up...
  • Road Safety Data

    First Nations Peoples Road Deaths in Australia

    This dataset contains deaths due to road vehicle traffic crashes and estimated populations for First Nations Peoples (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people) on Australian roads between 2012 to 2021. The data can be filtered by remoteness, age group, sex, jurisdiction, road user, vehicle...
  • Road Safety Data

    Victoria Road Crash Data

    This data has been consolidated from Victoria Police reports and hospital injury information, validated and enriched to provide a comprehensive and detailed view of road crashes and injuries across Victoria. The data provides users with information about Victorian fatal and injury road crash data...
  • Road Safety Data

    Self-reported Road Safety Behaviours

    This focuses on performance reporting for police services, covering the operations of the police agencies of each state and territory government, including the ACT community policing function performed by the Australian Federal Police. Refer to table 6.A3 for tables on Road Safety.
  • Road Safety Data

    SA Road Crash Data

    Details of reported road crashes and casualties in South Australia.
You can also access this registry using the API (see API Docs).