6 datasets found | Can't find what you're looking for? Try on data.gov.au

Formats: CSV Source Organisations: Bureau of Infrastru... Type: Dataset

  • National Freight Data

    Domestic Cargo data

    Domestic Cargo data for top 5 airports from 2010. The cargo statistics, published from January 2010, include cargo carried on scheduled passenger flights as well as the cargo carried by dedicated freighter operators. Airport cargo tonnes are the sum of cargo tonnes on arrivals and departures at...
  • National Freight Data

    International Airlines - Operated Flights and Seats

    International Airlines, Operated Flights and Seats to and from Australia. Monthly data showing city, airline, route, country and region data. Do not sum this data unless Stops are set to zero. When Stops are set to zero, you can sum for Airline, Route, Inbound, Outbound and Total Australia. The...
  • National Freight Data


    Waterline reports on trends in (a) container throughput, (b) container handling productivity on the waterfront and the land side of ports in Australia, and (c) the cost of importing and exporting containers via five container ports.
  • National Freight Data

    International Airlines - Traffic by city pairs

    Scheduled operations of international airlines to and from Australia. Data on passengers, freight and mail carried between city pairs connected by single flight number services. Monthly data.
  • National Freight Data

    International Airline Activity—Time Series

    These files contain international time series data covering passenger, freight and mail movements, flights, available seats and seat load factors. Details are provided for airline, country and city pair.
  • National Freight Data

    International Freight to/from Australia

    The Excel file below contains tables showing the value and weight of Australian international imports and exports each quarter, by sea freight (liner and non-liner) and by air. The time series covers the period from 3rd quarter 1984 to the 1st quarter 2007. The Bureau of Transport and Regional...
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