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National Freight Data
Survey of Motor Vehicle Use, Australia
Estimates of kilometres travelled, tonne-kilometres travelled, tonnes carried and fuel use for the 12 months ended 30 June 2020. Includes sub-annual estimates. -
National Freight Data
Trade Statistics - Ports Australia
Trade Statistics provided by Ports Australia's members -
National Freight Data
VicRoads Traffic Volumes for Freeways and Arterial Roads
This data shows traffic volumes for freeways (excluding toll roads) and arterial roads in Victoria. The annual average daily traffic volume is provided, including the number of commercial vehicles. The data provided is for 2020, with values derived from traffic surveys or estimates. -
Road Safety Data
Severe Injuries from Road Crashes
These data extracts from the Australia New Zealand Trauma Registry (ANZTR) provide summary of tables of severe injury cases (admitted patients with an Injury Severity Score > 12) from participating hospitals. The report has separate tables for on-road transport, off-road transport, unknown... -
National Freight Data
Road height restrictions - Brisbane City Council
The data covers [Brisbane City] Council's local government area including the Department of Transport and Mains Road (DTMR) and Transurban networks but excludes private roads including Brisbane Airport Corporation (BAC) and Port of Brisbane (PB). -
National Freight Data
Freight performance dashboard: Sustainability
Data on the average age of freight vehicles by year and the number of electric and hybrid freight vehicles registered in the NSW. Average age calculations are based on difference between vehicle manufacture date and current date. For purposes of context the number of light trucks, prime movers... -
National Freight Data
Asset Registers and Heavy Vehicle Infrastructure Ratings (HVIR)
The road Asset Registers provide detailed information on the dimensions, construction and condition of each 100m segment of road. The Heavy Vehicle Infrastructure Ratings (HVIR) give an overview of level of service provided to heavy vehicle operators across various road categories. -
National Freight Data
Pavement Condition Data, VIC
Map Service containing Pavement Condition and Surface Inspection Data for roads. -
Regional Data Hub
Rental Bond Data (NSW)
Data by New South Wales Fair Trading for recent rental bond lodgements and refunds as well as data on the total rental bond holdings. Data consists of Postcodes to link geography. Data updated monthly. Provides information on Weekly Rental Price, Dwelling Type, Number of Bedrooms, Bond Payment to... -
National Freight Data
Strategic Freight Movement Model
Origin, destination, Forecast (annual Volume (kt)) -
National Freight Data
Road Customer Satisfaction
The Transport for NSW Customer Satisfaction Index measures our customers' level of satisfaction with various components of our network. This survey includes NSW heavy vehicle drivers -
National Freight Data
NSW Road Freight Productivity Schemes Participation
NSW Road Freight Productivity Schemes Participation measures the level of participation in NSW road freight productivity schemes. -
Road Safety Data
ACT Road Crash Data
This dataset only represents crashes that have been reported using the AFP Crash Report Form, and any crashes which have been reported through other channels are not displayed within this dataset. -
National Freight Data
Maritime Business - Voyage Reports
The Coastal Trading (Revitalising Australian Shipping) Act 2012 requires copies of all voyage reports received to be published on the Department's website. -
National Freight Data
Port Statistics - Flinders Ports
Flinders Ports collects and maintains a wide range of statistical data relating to vessel calls and bulk, break bulk and containerised cargo throughput at our ports. -
National Freight Data
Agricultural commodities and trade data
Latest data; Agricultural Commodity Statistics; Australian Commodity Statistics. -
National Freight Data
Overseas imports by port of discharge, commodity (3-digit SITC revision 4) and c...
Statistical releases related to overseas merchandise imports of goods destined for Queensland and other States and Territories. These include breakdowns by country, commodity, industry and port. -
National Freight Data
Overseas exports and imports of goods, value, Queensland and Australia, 1988–89 ...
Statistical releases related to overseas merchandise exports and imports of goods originating from and destined for Queensland and other States and Territories. -
National Freight Data
Overseas exports by port of loading, commodity (3-digit SITC revision 4) and cou...
Statistical releases related to overseas merchandise exports of goods originating from Queensland and other States and Territories. These include breakdowns by country, commodity, industry and port. -
National Freight Data
Overseas imports by industry (4-digit ANZSIC 2006 edition) and country of origin...
Statistical releases related to overseas merchandise imports of goods destined for Queensland and other states/territories. These include breakdowns by country, commodity, industry and port.