6 datasets found | Can't find what you're looking for? Try on data.gov.au

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  • National Freight Data

    Australian Aggregate Freight Forecasts - 2019 Update

    This report presents long-term forecasts of total Australian freight volumes, for road, rail, coastal shipping and aviation, between 2018 and 2040.
  • National Freight Data

    NSW Freight Commodity Demand Forecasts 2016-2056

    These visualisations feature NSW freight commodity demand forecasts by origin at Statistical Area Level 3 (SA3) and origin-destination at Statistical Area Level 4 (SA4). Prepared by Advanced Analytics and Insights, these forecasts reflect growth based on underlying market drivers of freight...
  • National Freight Data


    The Freightline series is intended to provide information on interregional freight movements across Australia, filling a major gap in Australian transport-related data and information, to help better inform and support policy development and infrastructure planning.
  • National Freight Data

    Freight Performance Dashboard

    Mode-specific freight indicators
  • National Freight Data

    Coles Group Distribution Centres and Supermarkets

    Coles Group distribution centres and Coles supermarket locations.
  • National Freight Data

    Interactive Project and Mapping Service (iPAMS)

    The Project and Mapping Service is an interactive reporting tool for general use to display data from Departmental programs.
You can also access this registry using the API (see API Docs).