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Regional Data Hub
Population Projections, VIC (Victoria in Future)
Population projections for Victoria, prepared and published by the Victorian Department of Transport and Planning. Projections are available through an interactive online dashboard and as downloadable in Excel tables (XLSX). Projections by age and sex are available for the state, larger Victorian... -
Regional Data Hub
Population Projections, Australia
Population projections based on assumptions of fertility, mortality and migration are published by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). Projections are available for Australia, states and territories, and Greater Capital City Statistical Areas (GCCSAs). Projections are also broken down by... -
Regional Data Hub
Latest ACT Population Projections
Population projections for the ACT, prepared and published by the ACT Government. Data is available in a written report (PDF or DOCX) and in Excel format (XLSX) to download. Projections are calculated from 2022 to 2060. Data is available for the territory, as well as at Statistical Area Level 2... -
Regional Data Hub
Regional Development Australia Priority Matrix
Regional Development Australia Committees (RDAs) work across key priority areas to optimise impact in the regions. The priority matrix is a snap-shot of each RDA’s focus areas. The RDA matrix helps to identify common issues or challenges, and identify opportunities of working together with other... -
Regional Data Hub
Population Projections, SA
Population projections for SA, prepared and published by the SA Government. Projections are available from 2021 to 2051 in online tables and charts, downloadable Excel tables (XLSX) and written reports (PDF). Projections are broken down by age and sex, and available for the state and smaller... -
Regional Data Hub
Population Projections, QLD
Population projections for QLD, prepared and published by the QLD Government. Projections are available from 2021 to 2046 as downloadable Excel tables (XLSX), and in written snapshot reports (PDF). Projections are available by age and sex for the state, Local Government Areas (LGAs), Statistical... -
Regional Data Hub
Population Projections, NSW
Population projections for NSW, prepared and published by the NSW Government. Data is available through an online dashboard and also to download (Excel format; XLSX). The projections are out to 2041. The dashboard provides estimates broken down by age and sex for the state, Local Government... -
Regional Data Hub
Population Estimates and Projections, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Aust...
Estimates and projections of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population for 2006 to 2031 are published by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). These includes both forward projections and backcast estimates (i.e., estimates of past population statistics) by sex and age group. The... -
Regional Data Hub
Population Projections, NT
Population projections for the Northern Territory, prepared and published by the Northern Territory Government. Data is available in a report (DOCX) and in Excel format (XLSX) to download. Projections are calculated from 2016 to 2046 for the NT and to 2036 for smaller regions. Data is available... -
Regional Data Hub
Population Forecasts, WA (Western Australia Tomorrow)
Population projections for WA, prepared and published by the WA Government. Projections from 2016 to 2031 are available in an interactive story map and dashboard, a written report (PDF), and can be downloaded as Excel tables (XLSX) and machine-readable CSV tables. Projections by age and sex are... -
Regional Data Hub
Estimating Homelessness: Census
The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) provides estimates of people experiencing homelessness or who are marginally housed. Estimates are calculated every five years from the Census of Population and Housing, starting from 2006. Available geographic levels include SA2, SA3, SA4, States and... -
Regional Data Hub
PHIDU - Social Health Atlas
From Public Health Information Development Unit's (PHIDU) homepage, users can access a range of resources including the following. Data workbooks in Excel (XLSX) format and online, interactive visualisations and maps present the latest Social Health Atlases of Australia by a range of geographies,... -
Regional Data Hub
Queensland Regional Profiles
Users can create statistical reports on a range of Queensland community types (e.g. local government areas), produced by the Queensland Government Statistician's Office. These reports are generated automatically using the latest demographic, social and economic data available. Data themes include... -
Regional Data Hub
Population Projections, TAS
Population projections for Tasmania, prepared and published by the Tasmanian Government. Projections from 2022 to 2052 are available in Excel format (XLSX) for download. Projections are available by age, sex, and components of change (e.g. internal migration) for the state and its Local... -
Regional Data Hub
Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) Survey
The Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) Survey is a household-based longitudinal survey. HILDA provides longitudinal data on topics such as family dynamics, economic well-being, subjective well-being, and labour market dynamics. HILDA is funded by the Australian Government... -
Regional Data Hub
Population in Local Government Areas
This interactive dashboard series helps explore Australia's population data and trends. The dashboard explores population change in each of Australia's Local Government Areas. -
Regional Data Hub
Population in Small Geographical Areas
This interactive data dashboard series helps explore Australia's population data and trends. The dashboard explores population change in each of Australia's Local Government Areas Using the ABS SA2 classification. -
Regional Data Hub
National Health Survey
The ABS National Health Survey presents key findings for health statistics, including long-term health conditions; mental wellbeing; and health risk factors. -
Regional Data Hub
Report on Government Services, Productivity Commission
The Report on Government Services (RoGS) provides information on the equity, effectiveness and efficiency of government services in Australia. This includes information on early childhood education and care, school and vocational education, police services and housing. -
Regional Data Hub
The Progress in Australian Regions and Cities Dashboard
The Progress in Australian Regions and Cities Dashboard is designed to answer the question of how our regions are progressing against a range of key indicators from the following themes: labour market, infrastructure, housing, economic activity, environment, demography and well-being.