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Tags: All modes Domestic

  • National Freight Data

    NSW Freight Commodity Demand Forecasts 2016-2056

    These visualisations feature NSW freight commodity demand forecasts by origin at Statistical Area Level 3 (SA3) and origin-destination at Statistical Area Level 4 (SA4). Prepared by Advanced Analytics and Insights, these forecasts reflect growth based on underlying market drivers of freight...
  • National Freight Data

    Australian transport statistics Yearbook 2009

    Australian Transport Statistics provides a short summary of a diverse range of transport statistics. Topics include employment, GDP, infrastructure expenditure, passenger and freight movements, trade, motor vehicles, fatalities and estimated greenhouse gas emissions attributed to the transport...
  • National Freight Data

    Australian Transport Statistics 2006

    Australian Transport Statistics provides an easy introduction to a diverse range of transport statistics. Topics include employment, GDP, passenger and freight movements, trade, funding, motor vehicles, fatalities and estimated greenhouse gas emissions attributed to the transport industry....
  • National Freight Data

    Australian Transport Statistics—June 2005

    Australian Transport Statistics provides an easy introduction to a diverse range of transport statistics. Topics include employment, GDP, passenger and freight movements, trade, funding, motor vehicles, fatalities and estimated greenhouse gas emissions attributed to the transport industry....
  • National Freight Data

    Australian Transport Statistics Yearbook 2007

    Australian Transport Statistics provides a short summary of a diverse range of transport statistics. Topics include employment, GDP, passenger and freight movements, trade, funding, motor vehicles, fatalities and estimated greenhouse gas emissions attributed to the transport industry. Information...
  • National Freight Data

    Freight Measurement and Modelling in Australia

    Freight Measurement and Modelling in Australia aims to summarise the existing state of knowledge on freight in Australia and to present the time series data, analysis and sources which underpin the BTRE's long term freight forecasts. Consistently measured time series data are required to model...
  • National Freight Data

    Australian Infrastructure and Transport Statistics - Yearbook 2022

    The aim of the Australian Infrastructure Statistics and Transport Yearbook is to provide a single, comprehensive annual source of infrastructure statistics for use by policymakers, industry leaders, transport analysts and the wider Australian community.
  • National Freight Data

    Australian Infrastructure and Transport Statistics - Yearbook 2021

    The aim of the Australian Infrastructure Statistics and Transport Yearbook is to provide a single, comprehensive annual source of infrastructure statistics for use by policymakers, industry leaders, transport analysts and the wider Australian community. The publication is primarily a source of...
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