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National Freight Data
Australian Aggregate Freight Forecasts - 2019 Update
This report presents long-term forecasts of total Australian freight volumes, for road, rail, coastal shipping and aviation, between 2018 and 2040. -
National Freight Data
Trade Statistics - Ports Australia
Trade Statistics provided by Ports Australia's members -
National Freight Data
International airline activity
These reports summarise annual (calendar or financial year) international aircraft, passenger, freight and mail movements, flights, available seats, seat load factors and airline market shares. Details are provided for airline, country, city pair and airport. -
National Freight Data
Maritime Business - Voyage Reports
The Coastal Trading (Revitalising Australian Shipping) Act 2012 requires copies of all voyage reports received to be published on the Department's website. -
National Freight Data
Agricultural commodities and trade data
Latest data; Agricultural Commodity Statistics; Australian Commodity Statistics. -
National Freight Data
Overseas imports by port of discharge, commodity (3-digit SITC revision 4) and c...
Statistical releases related to overseas merchandise imports of goods destined for Queensland and other States and Territories. These include breakdowns by country, commodity, industry and port. -
National Freight Data
Overseas exports and imports of goods, value, Queensland and Australia, 1988–89 ...
Statistical releases related to overseas merchandise exports and imports of goods originating from and destined for Queensland and other States and Territories. -
National Freight Data
Overseas exports by port of loading, commodity (3-digit SITC revision 4) and cou...
Statistical releases related to overseas merchandise exports of goods originating from Queensland and other States and Territories. These include breakdowns by country, commodity, industry and port. -
National Freight Data
Overseas imports by industry (4-digit ANZSIC 2006 edition) and country of origin...
Statistical releases related to overseas merchandise imports of goods destined for Queensland and other states/territories. These include breakdowns by country, commodity, industry and port. -
National Freight Data
The Freightline series is intended to provide information on interregional freight movements across Australia, filling a major gap in Australian transport-related data and information, to help better inform and support policy development and infrastructure planning. -
National Freight Data
International Trade in Goods and Services, Australia
Statistics about international trade in goods and services, on a balance of payments and international trade basis. -
National Freight Data
Australian sea freight
Statistical reports that provide information on Australian sea freight movements, port activity and fleet structure. -
National Freight Data
Waterline reports on trends in (a) container throughput, (b) container handling productivity on the waterfront and the land side of ports in Australia, and (c) the cost of importing and exporting containers via five container ports. -
National Freight Data
Australian Domestic Airline Activity - time series
Monthly, calendar year and financial year reports on traffic carried by Australian domestic and regional airlines. -
National Freight Data
Australia's Bulk Ports
The report provides a profile of Australia's principal bulk ports and the logistics chain that delivers commodities through those ports.