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Road Safety Data
Crashes Last 5 Years - SA
Crashes for the last 5 years are extracted from the Traffic Accident Register (TARS) for any crash which has enough information to be located. Information has been summarized to enable display and query crashes. -
National Freight Data
Australian transport statistics Yearbook 2009
Australian Transport Statistics provides a short summary of a diverse range of transport statistics. Topics include employment, GDP, infrastructure expenditure, passenger and freight movements, trade, motor vehicles, fatalities and estimated greenhouse gas emissions attributed to the transport... -
National Freight Data
Australian Transport Statistics 2006
Australian Transport Statistics provides an easy introduction to a diverse range of transport statistics. Topics include employment, GDP, passenger and freight movements, trade, funding, motor vehicles, fatalities and estimated greenhouse gas emissions attributed to the transport industry.... -
National Freight Data
Australian Transport Statistics—June 2005
Australian Transport Statistics provides an easy introduction to a diverse range of transport statistics. Topics include employment, GDP, passenger and freight movements, trade, funding, motor vehicles, fatalities and estimated greenhouse gas emissions attributed to the transport industry.... -
Road Safety Data
Australian Road Deaths Database
The Australian Road Deaths Database provides basic details of road transport crash fatalities in Australia as reported by the police each month to the State and Territory road safety authorities. -
National Freight Data
Australian Transport Statistics Yearbook 2007
Australian Transport Statistics provides a short summary of a diverse range of transport statistics. Topics include employment, GDP, passenger and freight movements, trade, funding, motor vehicles, fatalities and estimated greenhouse gas emissions attributed to the transport industry. Information... -
National Freight Data
Australian Infrastructure and Transport Statistics - Yearbook 2022
The aim of the Australian Infrastructure Statistics and Transport Yearbook is to provide a single, comprehensive annual source of infrastructure statistics for use by policymakers, industry leaders, transport analysts and the wider Australian community. -
National Freight Data
Australian Infrastructure and Transport Statistics - Yearbook 2021
The aim of the Australian Infrastructure Statistics and Transport Yearbook is to provide a single, comprehensive annual source of infrastructure statistics for use by policymakers, industry leaders, transport analysts and the wider Australian community. The publication is primarily a source of... -
National Freight Data
131940 Traffic, Travel Information RSS feeds
Road traffic incidents, limits, restrictions, roadworks and special events