21 datasets found | Can't find what you're looking for? Try on data.gov.au

Tags: Environment Environment Type: Interactive Resourc...

  • Regional Data Hub

    Australian Exposure Information Portal

    The Australian Exposure Information Portal (AEIP) provides access to nationally consistent exposure information and is created by Geoscience Australia (GA), in partnership with the Bushfire & Natural Hazard CRC. It can be used to assess risk from natural or man-made hazards. It includes...
  • Regional Data Hub

    Recycling Modernisation Fund Data Viewer

    An interactive dashboard created and updated by the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW). It allows users to search Recycling Modernisation Fund (RMF) funded projects by jurisdiction and location, and filter projects by material type, facility type, completion...
  • Regional Data Hub

    NSW and ACT Interactive Climate Change Projection Map

    The AdaptNSW interactive climate projections map displays projected changes to climate variables for the near (2020–39) and far future (2060–79) for NSW, ACT, and each NSW Climate Region. Regional reports are downloadable in PDF format.
  • Regional Data Hub

    Queensland Future Climate Dashboard

    The Queensland Future Climate Dashboard is provided by The Long Paddock, a Queensland Government initiative. The dashboard summarises information from 11 climate models with regional scale simulations until the end of this century. Users can customise maps, plots, and tables online, download a...
  • Regional Data Hub

    Victoria's Future Climate Tool

    Victoria's Future Climate Tool provides access to the most recent climate model simulations of Victoria's future climate and indicators of climate-related hazards for both high and medium emissions. The tool is interactive, allows to view future climate information (including temperature,...
  • Regional Data Hub

    National Waste Data Viewer

    A interactive dashboard created and updated by the Department Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW). It enables users to view summarised waste data across Australia, including material, waste stream, time period, or hazardous and non-hazardous waste. Data is available...
  • Regional Data Hub

    Victorian Local Government Waste Data Dashboard

    Since 2000, the Victorian Government has surveyed councils about their kerbside collection services (for rubbish, mixed recycling, glass recycling and food organics and garden organics) and other council-related waste services, including the tonnages, costs and composition. The dataset is...
  • Regional Data Hub

    Environmental-Economic Accounts Dashboard

    This dashboard provides easy access to Environmental-Economic Accounts, produced by the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) and the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). The dashboard displays data on the state of natural capital assets, such as land, water...
  • Regional Data Hub

    Climate Risk Map of Australia

    The Climate Risk Map of Australia is an interactive map showing climate vulnerable places in Australia, prepared by the Climate Council of Australia. The map allows users to view the percentage of properties in a region which are at medium to high risk from climate impacts. The regions included...
  • Regional Data Hub

    Australian Heritage Database

    Searchable database of all Australian World, Commonwealth and National heritage places
  • Regional Data Hub

    Forests Australia

    The Forests Australia website provides up-to-date information on Australia's forests including forest-related publications and maps, and links to forest management organisations and institutions.
  • Regional Data Hub

    OpenNEM Facilities

    Open Platform for National Electricity Market Data interactive map of facilities and generator capacity. The map uses public National Electricity Market (NEM) data and provides it in an accessible format. This project is part of the University of Melbourne’s Climate and Energy College...
  • Regional Data Hub

    OpenNEM Energy

    Open Platform for National Electricity Market Data - Energy Production data visualisation. This interactive dashboard uses public National Electricity Market (NEM) data to show a live feed of energy sources. It also displays quarterly data showing the size of national emissions by source. This...
  • Regional Data Hub

    Australian Disaster Resilience Index

    The Australian Disaster Resilience Index is a snapshot of the capacities for disaster resilience in Australian communities. Understanding these capacities, and how they differ from place to place, will help communities, governments and industry work together to cope with and adapt to natural...
  • Regional Data Hub

    The Progress in Australian Regions and Cities Dashboard

    The Progress in Australian Regions and Cities Dashboard is designed to answer the question of how our regions are progressing against a range of key indicators from the following themes: labour market, infrastructure, housing, economic activity, environment, demography and well-being.
  • Regional Data Hub

    The Digital Atlas of Australia

    The Digital Atlas of Australia brings together, curates and connects trusted national spatial datasets from across government into an interactive, secure, and easy-to-use online platform. It enables users to analyse and visualise data on Australia's geography, people, economy and environment....
  • Regional Data Hub

    Data by Region

    Data by Region presents key Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) data by geographic area. Data includes population, economy, industry, income, education, employment, health, disability, family, community, migration and environment.
  • Regional Data Hub

    Australia's National Greenhouse Accounts

    Includes latest national emissions data, emissions inventories by state and territory and emissions projections
  • Regional Data Hub

    ABS Schedule for Releases

    This ABS calendar supplies information for forthcoming data releases for the next month.
  • Regional Data Hub

    Australian Climate Service

    The website of the Australian Climate Service, providing information and data about threats posed by a changing climate and natural hazards. Includes a number of interactive maps showing risks posed to social, built, economic and natural environments. Also includes information about climate...
You can also access this registry using the API (see API Docs).