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National Freight Data
Rest Areas - State Maintained - Tas
Roadside Stops shows the spatial location of Roadside Stops including Rest Areas, Heavy Vehicle Parking Areas and Roadside Lookouts on the State Government Road network. -
National Freight Data
Asset Registers and Heavy Vehicle Infrastructure Ratings (HVIR)
The road Asset Registers provide detailed information on the dimensions, construction and condition of each 100m segment of road. The Heavy Vehicle Infrastructure Ratings (HVIR) give an overview of level of service provided to heavy vehicle operators across various road categories. -
National Freight Data
Pavement Condition Data, VIC
Map Service containing Pavement Condition and Surface Inspection Data for roads. -
Road Safety Data
WA Pavement and Surfacing State
Surfacing is that part of a pavement specifically designed to resist abrasion from traffic and to minimize the entry of water. It may be a sprayed seal, asphalt or other material. Surfacing details are recorded for each lane and shoulder of a carriageway of a road. The total number of lanes and... -
National Freight Data
Restricted Conditionally Approved Structures A Doubles, VIC
VicRoads Open Data for Restricted Conditionally Approved Structures A Doubles -
National Freight Data
Roadworks endpoint QLD
Traffic and road condition information captured in the QLDTraffic system is available for use by external developers via GeoJSON feeds. These feeds cover Hazards, Crashes, Congestion, Flooding, Roadworks, Special Events and Web Camera details. The information provided in these feeds is on an 'as... -
National Freight Data
Road system condition—roughness data, class, QLD
This dataset contains averaged road roughness data (measured as NAASRA roughness counts) over different road segments and classified into condition classes. Data is available at two levels of granularity – 1km road segments and 100m road segments. -
National Freight Data
Rest Areas - State Maintained - QLD
The position of roadside amenities, facilities and effluent dump sites in Queensland as part of the road safety management program. -
National Freight Data
Rest Areas - State Maintained - WA
Places of convenience for road-users to stop and take a break from their journey in a safe and comfortable environment. Roadside stopping places are strategically placed along the road network to encourage travellers to take regular breaks on long journeys, as a means to reduce driver fatigue. -
National Freight Data
Stock routes - Queensland
Queensland's stock route network (SRN) provides pastoralists with a means of moving stock 'on the hoof' around the state's main pastoral districts, as an alternative to trucking and other contemporary transport methods. Approximately 72 000 kilometres (2.6 million hectares) of Queensland's road...