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Tags: Infrastructure Road Source Organisations: Main Roads WA

  • National Freight Data

    Pavement and Surfacing State - Main Roads WA

    The Surfacing is that part of a pavement specifically designed to resist abrasion from traffic and to minimize the entry of water. It may be a sprayed seal, asphalt or other material. Surfacing details are recorded for each lane and shoulder of a carriageway of a road. The total number of lanes...
  • National Freight Data

    Trafficmap - Main Roads WA

    Trafficmap provides easy access to view and download traffic counts collected across the state. Working closely with industry, trafficmap has been tailored to deliver services to drive effective traffic management decisions. Traffic counts are a mix of short term samples and continuous...
  • Road Safety Data

    WA Pavement and Surfacing State

    Surfacing is that part of a pavement specifically designed to resist abrasion from traffic and to minimize the entry of water. It may be a sprayed seal, asphalt or other material. Surfacing details are recorded for each lane and shoulder of a carriageway of a road. The total number of lanes and...
  • National Freight Data

    Structures - Main Roads WA

    Layer of Structures (road and pedestrian bridges, rail bridges, sign gantries and tunnels), in Western Australia. This layer provides general inventory information for all Structures on State roads, Local roads or Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC) roads. A road structure is that...
  • National Freight Data

    Rest Areas - State Maintained - WA

    Places of convenience for road-users to stop and take a break from their journey in a safe and comfortable environment. Roadside stopping places are strategically placed along the road network to encourage travellers to take regular breaks on long journeys, as a means to reduce driver fatigue.
You can also access this registry using the API (see API Docs).