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Tags: Port Intrastate

  • National Freight Data

    Annual coal statistics, QLD

    Annual statistical coal mining data produced for the Queensland mining industry. Spreadsheets of raw coal and saleable coal production by region, overburden, Queensland distribution, interstate distribution, exports by port, exports by region and exports by country, and stockpile balances....
  • National Freight Data

    Coal industry review statistical tables, QLD

    Statistical coal mining data produced for the Queensland mining industry.
  • National Freight Data

    Port Statistics - Flinders Ports

    Flinders Ports collects and maintains a wide range of statistical data relating to vessel calls and bulk, break bulk and containerised cargo throughput at our ports.
  • National Freight Data

    Tasmanian Passenger and Freight movements

    This information sheet provides a summary of Tasmanian passenger and freight movements in 2011–12. It brings together key data about Tasmanian transport from other Bureau publications and unpublished data sources.
  • National Freight Data

    Tasmanian Freight Schemes—Parameter Review 2013

    Bulk wheat freight costs, Trends in bulk wheat freight rates; 2011, Tasmanian Freight Schemes Parameter Review, BITRE, Canberra ACT.
  • National Freight Data

    Coastal Freight in Australia 1998–99

    The paper provides information on coastal freight movements between Australian ports. It covers cargoes loaded and discharged at Australian ports during 1998–99.
  • National Freight Data

    Coastal Freight in Australia 1997–1998

    The paper provides information on coastal freight movements between Australian ports. It covers cargoes loaded and discharged at Australian ports during 1997–1998.
  • National Freight Data

    Coastal Freight in Australia 1996–1997

    The paper provides information on coastal freight movements between Australian ports. It covers cargoes loaded and discharged at Australian ports during 1996–1997.
  • National Freight Data

    An Assessment of Tasmania's Interstate Transport Problems

    This study attempts a quantitative assessment of Tasmania's transport disabilities relative to the other States and covers interstate shipping to Tasmania, together with closely related topics such as Tasmanian port operations and freight forwarding. Particular note has been taken of the Senate...
  • National Freight Data

    Why short-haul intermodal rail services succeed

    The shipping container has revolutionised freight transport over the last half-century but its success is bringing challenges, not least in landside container movements. Port-induced road traffic congestion impacts on port arteries and communities and undermines port efficiency. Policymakers and...
  • National Freight Data

    Shipping Information Centre (PortMIS) - Flinders Ports

    This website, PortMIS, contains information about commercial shipping schedules (expected and actual), ships currently in port and cruise ship schedules. All shipping data is sourced directly and online from Flinders Ports - Port Management Information System (PortMIS).
  • National Freight Data

    Trade Statistics — Queensland Ports

    The Trade Statistics for Queensland Ports report provides statistics related to imports and exports of commodities and throughput handled by Queensland's ports.
  • National Freight Data

    NSW Freight performance dashboard

    The dashboard shows Strategic Targets from the NSW Freight and Ports Plan 2018-2023.
  • National Freight Data

    NSW Freight data

    These data sets contain freight forecast, performance and other statistics. Strategic Freight Forecasts - NSW freight commodity demand volume forecasts for the 40 year period between 2016 to 2056; Freight performance dashboard – Strategic Targets from NSW Freight and Ports Plan 2018-2023.
  • National Freight Data

    NSW Foundation Spatial Data Framework - Transport - Maritime Associated Faciliti...

    Various facilities associated with the Maritime dataset (wharf, launching ramp, marina); line geometries of facilities
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