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Regional Data Hub
Regional Development Australia Priority Matrix
Regional Development Australia Committees (RDAs) work across key priority areas to optimise impact in the regions. The priority matrix is a snap-shot of each RDA’s focus areas. The RDA matrix helps to identify common issues or challenges, and identify opportunities of working together with other... -
Regional Data Hub
Recycling Modernisation Fund Data Viewer
An interactive dashboard created and updated by the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW). It allows users to search Recycling Modernisation Fund (RMF) funded projects by jurisdiction and location, and filter projects by material type, facility type, completion... -
Regional Data Hub
Regional Movers Index
The Regional Australia Institute (RAI) in association with the Commonwealth Bank created an analysis of population movement between Australia's Capital Cities and Regions, powered by analysis of proprietary data to create an up-to-date picture of a large sample of relocations. Data spans National... -
Regional Data Hub
Authorised Deposit-Taking Institutions' Points of Presence Statistics
The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) publishes an annually-updated database of physical banking service channels (ATMs, EFTPOS machines, branches, and other face-to-face channels providing branch-level services) provided by authorised deposit-taking institutions (e.g., banks,... -
Regional Data Hub
Dwelling Estimates Interactive Map
The insight uses the ABS’s dwelling stock data to present estimates of Total Dwellings (Houses, Townhouses, and Apartments) for the 2016 to 2022 period. -
Regional Data Hub
Estimated Dwelling Stock
Estimates of dwelling stock, including additions and removals, created by the Australian Bureau of Statistics. The tables also include information on dwelling type such as house, townhouse or apartment. Data can be downloaded in Excel format (XLSX) for Statistical Areas Level 2, 3, and 4 (SA2,... -
Regional Data Hub
Personal Income in Australia
Regional data on the number of income earners, amounts received and distribution of income across Australia, published by the Australian Bureau of Statistics. This dataset is produced from the Linked Employer-Employee Dataset (LEED) and covers financial years from 2015-16 to 2019-20. Data is... -
Regional Data Hub
South East Queensland - Population, Housing, Jobs, Connectivity and Liveability
A research project and report produced by the Bureau of Communications, Arts and Regional Research (BCARR) on the South East Queensland (SEQ) region. This report provides an evidence base on the spatial distribution of population growth, jobs, connectivity and liveability of SEQ. This evidence... -
Regional Data Hub
The Geography of Australia's Digital Industries
A report produced by the CSIRO and the Tech Council of Australia examining the geographical concentration of digital technology clusters across Australia. It also includes the online CSIRO Tech Industry Map, which allows users to view and interact with data showing the concentration of technology... -
Regional Data Hub
LGA Unemployment Dashboard
This interactive dashboard presents unemployment rate estimates for Local Government Areas (LGAs) alongside corresponding state/territory and national figures. Estimates are available from 2010 through to 2023. The Regional Data Hub created this dashboard from two existing data sources. LGA... -
Regional Data Hub
National Waste Data Viewer
A interactive dashboard created and updated by the Department Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW). It enables users to view summarised waste data across Australia, including material, waste stream, time period, or hazardous and non-hazardous waste. Data is available... -
Regional Data Hub
National Waste Database and Reports
Data on Australia's waste generation, recovery and fate for all waste streams and various material categories is available in the National Waste Report (PDF document) and the National Waste Database (Excel tables). Both the Report and the Database present information at national and... -
Regional Data Hub
PHIDU - Social Health Atlas
From Public Health Information Development Unit's (PHIDU) homepage, users can access a range of resources including the following. Data workbooks in Excel (XLSX) format and online, interactive visualisations and maps present the latest Social Health Atlases of Australia by a range of geographies,... -
Regional Data Hub
Queensland Regional Profiles
Users can create statistical reports on a range of Queensland community types (e.g. local government areas), produced by the Queensland Government Statistician's Office. These reports are generated automatically using the latest demographic, social and economic data available. Data themes include... -
Regional Data Hub
Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) Survey
The Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) Survey is a household-based longitudinal survey. HILDA provides longitudinal data on topics such as family dynamics, economic well-being, subjective well-being, and labour market dynamics. HILDA is funded by the Australian Government... -
Regional Data Hub
Settlement Report Dataset
Settlement reports from the Department of Home Affairs, available for download as Excel (XLSX) spreadsheets. These contain datasets and additional metadata and methodological information. The database contains a record of people who have been granted a permanent or provisional visa dating back to... -
Regional Data Hub
Environmental-Economic Accounts Dashboard
This dashboard provides easy access to Environmental-Economic Accounts, produced by the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) and the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). The dashboard displays data on the state of natural capital assets, such as land, water... -
Regional Data Hub
Climate Risk Map of Australia
The Climate Risk Map of Australia is an interactive map showing climate vulnerable places in Australia, prepared by the Climate Council of Australia. The map allows users to view the percentage of properties in a region which are at medium to high risk from climate impacts. The regions included... -
Regional Data Hub
Tourism By Region - Local Government Area Profiles
Tourism Research Australia’s Local Government Area Profiles assist industry and Government decision making and identify and support investment opportunities, particularly in regional Australia. Profiles are only prepared for Local Government Areas with adequate International Visitor Survey and/or... -
Regional Data Hub
Australian Housing Data Analytics Platform (AHDAP)
An online platform that brings together housing data and tools of analysis. The project is led by University of New South Wales (UNSW) and includes partner organisations from federal government (e.g., ABS, AIHW, and Housing Australia), state government, industry, and academia. The platform...