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National Freight Data
Freight vehicle congestion in Australia’s five major cities – 2022
This publication is the fourth in an annual series that uses vehicle telematics data to provide measures of traffic congestion for freight vehicles for selected routes across Australia’s five mainland state capital cities—Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide and Perth. The selected routes... -
Road Safety Data
Annual Lives Lost on NT Roads
Annual statistics of lives lost on NT roads based on road user type as at December each year. Shows breakdown of demographics of individuals and whether lives were lost on urban or regional roads. -
National Freight Data
Freight vehicle congestion in Australia’s five major cities – 2021
This publication is the third in the series that uses vehicle telematics data to provide measures of traffic congestion for freight vehicles for selected routes across Australia’s five mainland state capital cities—Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide and Perth. The selected routes comprise the... -
Road Safety Data
BITRE Road Vehicles
Provides statistics relating to the number of vehicles registered for road use in Australia on 31st January 2023. The statistics have been derived from state and territory motor vehicle registry data. This release replaces the ABS Motor Vehicle Census, which was discontinued in 2021. -
National Freight Data
Vehicle Speed and Congestion Data
Data collected under BITRE’s vehicle telematics collection has been used to derive measures of median speed, which can be employed as an indicative measure of traffic congestion for freight vehicles. It should be noted that currently heavy vehicles in the telematics dataset are small compared... -
Road Safety Data
Queensland Roads and Tracks
Queensland Roads and Tracks is the Department of Resources' foundation dataset of road data. It is a vector (line segment) dataset depicting the approximal centreline location and attributes of roads and tracks across Queensland. It does not replicate a navigable product. -
National Freight Data
Milk Commodity Report
This paper publication covers the production of raw milk, fresh processed milk and milk powder/UHT for domestic consumption and export. This paper deals with milk from cattle only, excluding milk from other sources such as goat, sheep and plant-based milks. This study is focussed primarily on... -
National Freight Data
Grain (wheat) Commodity Report
This publication contains analyses of data related to performance of domestic and international grain (wheat) supply chains. This study is focussed primarily on understanding the risks associated with road freight activity and the movement of grain. Key Australian freight metrics for wheat are... -
National Freight Data
Cement Commodity Report
This publication contains analyses of data related to performance of domestic and international cement supply chains. Focus is placed on understanding the risks associated with road and port freight activity, with key Australian freight metrics benchmarked against the United States (U.S.) and... -
National Freight Data
Fuel (refined) Commodity Report
This paper publication covers the import and domestic distribution of crude-oil based fuels refined offshore. It covers movement of fuels from port to retail outlet and commercial premises in Australia, New Zealand and Canada. The National Freight and Supply Chain Strategy website can be found... -
Road Safety Data
Road Deaths Australia—Monthly Bulletins
Latest summaries of road crash deaths and fatal road crashes are presented here. Updates are monthly and published on BITRE's website on or around the 14th of each month. Data are sourced from the road traffic or police authorities in each jurisdiction. Data are preliminary and subject to revision. -
National Freight Data
General Goods (containerised household goods) Commodity Report
This paper publication covers the flow of general goods from their port of importation through to distribution centres. The term “general goods” refers to general household cargo such as plasticware, furniture, clothes, electronics, and home appliances. General goods are typically containerised... -
National Freight Data
Wood (roundwood logs and woodchips) Commodity Report
This report covers the movement of roundwood logs & woodchips from harvest (i.e., forest) to mills or to port for export. The movement of wood after it has been turned into different products such as paper, timber or panels is not covered in this study. This study is focussed primarily on... -
National Freight Data
Harmonised Traffic Counts (snapshot release)
The Harmonised Traffic Counts dataset reports on the number and type of vehicles travelling past traffic counter stations across Australia in a given duration, over time. Depending on the sophistication of the counter and the provider, counts can be by vehicle classification (using the AustRoads... -
National Freight Data
Survey of Motor Vehicle Use, Australia
Estimates of kilometres travelled, tonne-kilometres travelled, tonnes carried and fuel use for the 12 months ended 30 June 2020. Includes sub-annual estimates. -
National Freight Data
Vehicle (new) Commodity Report
This report publication covers the movement of new finished passenger vehicles (cars, SUVs and light commercial vehicles) from point of importation to delivery to customer or vehicle dealership. Heavy commercial vehicle imports are not captured in this report. This study is focussed primarily on... -
National Freight Data
National Formal Rest Areas
Regular stops and the opportunity for rest breaks are essential for safe driving, and formal rest areas are provided to help drivers manage fatigue and comply with driving hours regulations (by providing an opportunity for sleep and rest breaks). Information on rest area locations and facilities... -
Road Safety Data
Queensland Speed Limits for State and Local Roads
Speed limit information for most of Queensland's roads. Includes state and locally controlled roads. Point-in-time data as per date of collection in dataset. -
National Freight Data
VicRoads Traffic Volumes for Freeways and Arterial Roads
This data shows traffic volumes for freeways (excluding toll roads) and arterial roads in Victoria. The annual average daily traffic volume is provided, including the number of commercial vehicles. The data provided is for 2020, with values derived from traffic surveys or estimates. -
National Freight Data
HVR Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) 40T, VIC
This is the Victorian road network that has been assessed for Class 1 gazetted 40 tonne Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) network map. The roads accessibility has been divided into 3 categories: Approved, Approved - Conditions Apply, and Restricted.