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Tags: Road Crash

  • Road Safety Data

    Annual Lives Lost on NT Roads

    Annual statistics of lives lost on NT roads based on road user type as at December each year. Shows breakdown of demographics of individuals and whether lives were lost on urban or regional roads.
  • Road Safety Data

    WA Road Crash Information (last 5 years)

    Crashes are recorded in the Integrated Road Information System (IRIS). The dataset provided is of crashes over the past 5 calendar years.
  • Road Safety Data

    Severe Injuries from Road Crashes

    These data extracts from the Australia New Zealand Trauma Registry (ANZTR) provide summary of tables of severe injury cases (admitted patients with an Injury Severity Score > 12) from participating hospitals. The report has separate tables for on-road transport, off-road transport, unknown...
  • Road Safety Data

    NSW Road Crash Data

    This data provides a view of crash locations and environmental conditions as well as the involved vehicle types and the drivers and people who are injured or lose their lives.
  • Road Safety Data

    Lives Lost on NT Roads

    Annual crash statistics for fatalities and serious injuries in the NT. Provides information on road user groups, key contributing factors, demographics, crash type, road surface and location of the fatality or serious injury. The information is provided to the Department of Infrastructure,...
  • Road Safety Data

    South Australia Road Crash Reports and Factsheets

    A collection of South Australian progress and road crash reports and factsheets for fatal and serious road crash facts including road user groups and local government area (LGA) maps.
  • Road Safety Data

    Victoria Road Crash Data

    This data has been consolidated from Victoria Police reports and hospital injury information, validated and enriched to provide a comprehensive and detailed view of road crashes and injuries across Victoria. The data provides users with information about Victorian fatal and injury road crash data...
  • Road Safety Data

    SA Road Crash Data

    Details of reported road crashes and casualties in South Australia.
  • Road Safety Data

    ACT Road Crash Data

    This dataset only represents crashes that have been reported using the AFP Crash Report Form, and any crashes which have been reported through other channels are not displayed within this dataset.
  • Road Safety Data

    Hospitalised Injuries from Road Crashes

    This dataset provides a summary of the number of hospitalised injuries (injuries resulting in hospitalisation but not hospital death) from road crashes. The series is produced by the Road Safety Data Hub using data sourced from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare.
  • Road Safety Data

    Run-off Road Crashes in Australia, 2016-2020

    This information sheet provides descriptive analysis of run-off road (RoR) crashes and compares these with other types of crashes in Australia.
  • Road Safety Data

    Crashes Last 5 Years - SA

    Crashes for the last 5 years are extracted from the Traffic Accident Register (TARS) for any crash which has enough information to be located. Information has been summarized to enable display and query crashes.
  • National Freight Data

    External Costs of Inter-Capital Freight in Australia

    Paper given to the 33rd Australasian Transport Research Forum, 29 September–1 October 2010, Canberra. Author: Jack McAuley.
  • Road Safety Data

    Archived Road Deaths In Crashes Involving Heavy Vehicles—Quarterly Bulletins

    Archived Road Deaths In Crashes Involving Heavy Vehicles—Quarterly Bulletins
  • Road Safety Data

    Tasmania Road Crash Data

    An overview of Tasmanian road crash statistics for previous calendar years including quarterly updates and road crash statistic trends for the last 5 years. Includes a comparison of annual fatalities and serious injuries with a 10-year average.
  • Road Safety Data

    Road Crash Locations in SA

    Sites of road crashes in South Australia.
  • Road Safety Data

    Work-related Fatalities Data

    The work-related fatalities dataset includes information on all work-related injury fatalities in Australia, explicitly excluding deaths resulting from diseases, natural causes and suicides.
  • Road Safety Data

    Crash Data from Queensland Roads

    Information on location and characteristics of crashes in Queensland for all reported Road Traffic Crashes from 1 January 2001 to 30 November 2023. Fatal crashes to 30 November 2023. Non-fatal, hospitalisation, medical treatment and minor injury crashes to 30 June 2023 and property damage only...
  • Road Safety Data

    Child Pedestrian Safety

    This report provides a description of the circumstances of child pedestrian deaths due to motor vehicle accidents around the home and suggests some of the major factors; places these home accidents in the context of child pedestrian safety, examines the potential of available data sources for...
  • National Freight Data

    Submission to the Productivity Commission Road and Rail Freight Infrastructure P...

    The submission commences with a brief general discussion of the economics of road and rail infrastructure and some implications for pricing; examines the relationship between estimates of road infrastructure costs attributable to Australian heavy vehicle operators and charges paid, both at the...
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