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National Freight Data
Top 40 arterial road sections for heavy vehicles
This ranking lists the 40 busiest arterial sections of road in terms of heavy vehicles. -
National Freight Data
Top 40 arterial road intersections for heavy vehicles
This ranking lists the 40 busiest at grade arterial road intersections in terms of heavy vehicle exposure. -
Road Safety Data
South Australia Road Crash Reports and Factsheets
A collection of South Australian progress and road crash reports and factsheets for fatal and serious road crash facts including road user groups and local government area (LGA) maps. -
Road Safety Data
SA Road Crash Data
Details of reported road crashes and casualties in South Australia. -
National Freight Data
Port Statistics - Flinders Ports
Flinders Ports collects and maintains a wide range of statistical data relating to vessel calls and bulk, break bulk and containerised cargo throughput at our ports. -
Road Safety Data
SA Traffic Volumes
Estimated traffic volume information along sealed South Australian roads. Traffic Volumes is the sum of traffic travelling in both directions on a two-way road passing a roadside observation point over the period of a full year divided by the number of days in the year. -
Road Safety Data
Crashes Last 5 Years - SA
Crashes for the last 5 years are extracted from the Traffic Accident Register (TARS) for any crash which has enough information to be located. Information has been summarized to enable display and query crashes. -
National Freight Data
Filling a gap in rail data: an investigation of the Gheringhap Loop train sighti...
This paper analyses train sightings data collected at Gheringhap, Victoria, located on the Melbourne to Adelaide main line. These sightings provide an independent source of information on train movements, train lengths, and reliability, and, given knowledge of freight volumes, can be used to... -
Road Safety Data
SA Pedestrian Crossings
South Australian intersections, pedestrian crossing locations and information. -
National Freight Data
Shipping Information Centre (PortMIS) - Flinders Ports
This website, PortMIS, contains information about commercial shipping schedules (expected and actual), ships currently in port and cruise ship schedules. All shipping data is sourced directly and online from Flinders Ports - Port Management Information System (PortMIS). -
National Freight Data
Traffic SA - Roadworks, Incidents and Planned Events in SA
Map - Roadworks, Incidents & Planned Events in South Australia -
National Freight Data
Rest Areas - State Maintained - SA
Sites of the location of State Maintained Rest Areas in South Australia. -
National Freight Data
Registration and Licensing Statistics - SA
License holders and vehicle registrations