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Road Safety Data
National Walking and Cycling Participation Survey - CWANZ
The National Walking and Cycling Participation Survey provides insight into walking and cycling activity across Australia and is a successor to the National Cycling Participation Survey which was conducted biennially from 2011 to 2019. -
Road Safety Data
Road Deaths Australia—Monthly Bulletins
Latest summaries of road crash deaths and fatal road crashes are presented here. Updates are monthly and published on BITRE's website on or around the 14th of each month. Data are sourced from the road traffic or police authorities in each jurisdiction. Data are preliminary and subject to revision. -
National Freight Data
National Formal Rest Areas
Regular stops and the opportunity for rest breaks are essential for safe driving, and formal rest areas are provided to help drivers manage fatigue and comply with driving hours regulations (by providing an opportunity for sleep and rest breaks). Information on rest area locations and facilities... -
Road Safety Data
Severe Injuries from Road Crashes
These data extracts from the Australia New Zealand Trauma Registry (ANZTR) provide summary of tables of severe injury cases (admitted patients with an Injury Severity Score > 12) from participating hospitals. The report has separate tables for on-road transport, off-road transport, unknown... -
National Freight Data
Asset Registers and Heavy Vehicle Infrastructure Ratings (HVIR)
The road Asset Registers provide detailed information on the dimensions, construction and condition of each 100m segment of road. The Heavy Vehicle Infrastructure Ratings (HVIR) give an overview of level of service provided to heavy vehicle operators across various road categories. -
Road Safety Data
E-Survey of Road Users' Attitudes
The E-Survey of Road Users' Attitudes (ESRA) collects road safety performance and road safety culture data. The main themes covered in the survey include: self-declared behaviour, attitudes and opinions on unsafe traffic behaviour, enforcement experiences and support for policy measures. The data... -
Road Safety Data
First Nations Peoples Road Deaths in Australia
This dataset contains deaths due to road vehicle traffic crashes and estimated populations for First Nations Peoples (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people) on Australian roads between 2012 to 2021. The data can be filtered by remoteness, age group, sex, jurisdiction, road user, vehicle... -
Road Safety Data
Self-reported Road Safety Behaviours
This focuses on performance reporting for police services, covering the operations of the police agencies of each state and territory government, including the ACT community policing function performed by the Australian Federal Police. Refer to table 6.A3 for tables on Road Safety. -
National Freight Data
Trainline statistical reports
Trainline is a compendium of Australia's railways providing insights, analysis, and an understanding of the railway industry. -
Road Safety Data
Hospitalised Injuries from Road Crashes
This dataset provides a summary of the number of hospitalised injuries (injuries resulting in hospitalisation but not hospital death) from road crashes. The series is produced by the Road Safety Data Hub using data sourced from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. -
Road Safety Data
Australian Cycling Participation Survey - Austroads
The National Cycling Participation Survey (NCPS) is a standardised survey that has been repeated biennially since 2011. The NCPS provides data on cycling participation at a national level and allows for estimates of participation for each state and territory, and the capital cities and... -
National Freight Data
External Costs of Inter-Capital Freight in Australia
Paper given to the 33rd Australasian Transport Research Forum, 29 September–1 October 2010, Canberra. Author: Jack McAuley. -
National Freight Data
Australian transport statistics Yearbook 2009
Australian Transport Statistics provides a short summary of a diverse range of transport statistics. Topics include employment, GDP, infrastructure expenditure, passenger and freight movements, trade, motor vehicles, fatalities and estimated greenhouse gas emissions attributed to the transport... -
Road Safety Data
Road Safety Enforcement Data
The road safety enforcement data provides summary series of road safety enforcement activities undertaken across the Australian states and territories from 2008-2022. The road safety enforcement data series is provided annually by state and territory police agencies and state revenue offices to... -
Road Safety Data
Work-related Fatalities Data
The work-related fatalities dataset includes information on all work-related injury fatalities in Australia, explicitly excluding deaths resulting from diseases, natural causes and suicides. -
Road Safety Data
Child Pedestrian Safety
This report provides a description of the circumstances of child pedestrian deaths due to motor vehicle accidents around the home and suggests some of the major factors; places these home accidents in the context of child pedestrian safety, examines the potential of available data sources for... -
National Freight Data
Avline No 2—April 2003
The first of two articles in this issue is the January airport charges update, which expands on the airport charges article in the inaugural edition of Avline. Airport operator charges at all airports were effectively unchanged, after a retrospective adjustment at Adelaide. The second article is... -
National Freight Data
Quality of Rail Freight Service: The Customer's Perspective
Indicators currently published by Australian railways do not measure service standards from the viewpoint of customers, but rather are based on statistics compiled by management for other purposes. -
National Freight Data
Optimising Harmonisation in the Australian Railway Industry
In the last decade, Australia's railways have undergone an ownership, operational and technological revolution. The establishment of national public and private train operators has finally brought seamless rail freight services across the country. There has been a complementary development in... -
Road Safety Data
ANCAP Safety Ratings
The Australasian New Car Assessment Program (ANCAP) conducts performance assessments of new cars to be introduced to the Australian market. The assessment involves testing the safety features and technologies to provide a rating out of 5 stars.