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Tags: Sea Commodity Port Type: Dataset Formats: HTML

  • National Freight Data

    Fuel (refined) Commodity Report

    This paper publication covers the import and domestic distribution of crude-oil based fuels refined offshore. It covers movement of fuels from port to retail outlet and commercial premises in Australia, New Zealand and Canada. The National Freight and Supply Chain Strategy website can be found...
  • National Freight Data

    Trade Statistics - Ports Australia

    Trade Statistics provided by Ports Australia's members
  • National Freight Data

    Annual coal statistics, QLD

    Annual statistical coal mining data produced for the Queensland mining industry. Spreadsheets of raw coal and saleable coal production by region, overburden, Queensland distribution, interstate distribution, exports by port, exports by region and exports by country, and stockpile balances....
  • National Freight Data

    Coal industry review statistical tables, QLD

    Statistical coal mining data produced for the Queensland mining industry.
  • National Freight Data

    Maritime Business - Voyage Reports

    The Coastal Trading (Revitalising Australian Shipping) Act 2012 requires copies of all voyage reports received to be published on the Department's website.
  • National Freight Data

    Overseas imports by port of discharge, commodity (3-digit SITC revision 4) and c...

    Statistical releases related to overseas merchandise imports of goods destined for Queensland and other States and Territories. These include breakdowns by country, commodity, industry and port.
  • National Freight Data

    Overseas exports and imports of goods, value, Queensland and Australia, 1988–89 ...

    Statistical releases related to overseas merchandise exports and imports of goods originating from and destined for Queensland and other States and Territories.
  • National Freight Data

    Overseas exports by port of loading, commodity (3-digit SITC revision 4) and cou...

    Statistical releases related to overseas merchandise exports of goods originating from Queensland and other States and Territories. These include breakdowns by country, commodity, industry and port.
  • National Freight Data

    Overseas imports by industry (4-digit ANZSIC 2006 edition) and country of origin...

    Statistical releases related to overseas merchandise imports of goods destined for Queensland and other states/territories. These include breakdowns by country, commodity, industry and port.
  • National Freight Data

    International Trade - Exports, QLD

    Statistical releases related to overseas merchandise exports of goods originating from Queensland and other States and Territories. These include breakdowns by country, commodity, industry and port.
  • National Freight Data

    ABS data for International Merchandise Trade

    The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) International Merchandise Trade data is valuable for understanding import and export commodities passing through Australia’s ports and airports. It contains detailed records of commodity information by tonnes and value, port of departure, port of arrival,...
  • National Freight Data


    Waterline reports on trends in (a) container throughput, (b) container handling productivity on the waterfront and the land side of ports in Australia, and (c) the cost of importing and exporting containers via five container ports.
  • National Freight Data

    Shipping Information Centre (PortMIS) - Flinders Ports

    This website, PortMIS, contains information about commercial shipping schedules (expected and actual), ships currently in port and cruise ship schedules. All shipping data is sourced directly and online from Flinders Ports - Port Management Information System (PortMIS).
  • National Freight Data

    Trade Statistics — Queensland Ports

    The Trade Statistics for Queensland Ports report provides statistics related to imports and exports of commodities and throughput handled by Queensland's ports.
You can also access this registry using the API (see API Docs).