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National Freight Data
Freight vehicle congestion in Australia’s five major cities – 2020
This publication is the second in a planned regular series that uses vehicle telematics data to provide measures of traffic congestion for freight vehicles on 53 selected routes across Australia’s five mainland state capital cities—Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide and Perth. The selected... -
National Freight Data
Freight vehicle congestion in Australia’s five major cities - 2019
This publication is the first of a planned annual series that uses vehicle telematics data to provide measures of traffic congestion for freight vehicles on 53 selected routes across Australia’s five mainland state capital cities—Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide and Perth. The selected... -
National Freight Data
VicRoads Traffic Volumes for Freeways and Arterial Roads
This data shows traffic volumes for freeways (excluding toll roads) and arterial roads in Victoria. The annual average daily traffic volume is provided, including the number of commercial vehicles. The data provided is for 2020, with values derived from traffic surveys or estimates. -
National Freight Data
International airline activity
These reports summarise annual (calendar or financial year) international aircraft, passenger, freight and mail movements, flights, available seats, seat load factors and airline market shares. Details are provided for airline, country, city pair and airport. -
National Freight Data
Top 40 arterial road sections for heavy vehicles
This ranking lists the 40 busiest arterial sections of road in terms of heavy vehicles. -
National Freight Data
Top 40 arterial road intersections for heavy vehicles
This ranking lists the 40 busiest at grade arterial road intersections in terms of heavy vehicle exposure. -
Road Safety Data
NSW Road Crash Data
This data provides a view of crash locations and environmental conditions as well as the involved vehicle types and the drivers and people who are injured or lose their lives. -
National Freight Data
Historic Traffic Data 2015 to 2019 - Main Roads WA
Network operations traffic data from Main Roads Western Australia for 2015 to 2019. The data provided includes data collected on the Perth Metropolitan State Road Network (PMSRN) at 15 minute intervals. The Historic Traffic Data is table with over 178 million rows and can be linked to the... -
Road Safety Data
ACT Road Crash Data
This dataset only represents crashes that have been reported using the AFP Crash Report Form, and any crashes which have been reported through other channels are not displayed within this dataset. -
Road Safety Data
SA Traffic Volumes
Estimated traffic volume information along sealed South Australian roads. Traffic Volumes is the sum of traffic travelling in both directions on a two-way road passing a roadside observation point over the period of a full year divided by the number of days in the year. -
Road Safety Data
NSW Speed Cameras
This dataset includes location points of Fixed Speed Cameras which are used at high-risk locations or in areas with a history of severe crashes and Red Light Speed Cameras which are installed to reduce crashes at high-risk intersections with traffic lights. Mobile Speed Camera locations (street... -
Road Safety Data
Queensland Traffic Data
Queensland average daily traffic volume data for state-controlled roads broken down by hour of day and day of week as an average volume for the year prescribed. -
Road Safety Data
Crashes Last 5 Years - SA
Crashes for the last 5 years are extracted from the Traffic Accident Register (TARS) for any crash which has enough information to be located. Information has been summarized to enable display and query crashes. -
National Freight Data
NSW Traffic Volume Viewer
The Traffic Volume Viewer allows you to browse and search for available traffic count data in NSW. Data is available from 2006 up to the current year. The map shows the locations of traffic count stations map marker icon counter, which report the number of vehicles only, and traffic classifier... -
National Freight Data
Traffic census for the Queensland state-declared road network
Traffic census for the Queensland state-declared road network showing annual average traffic counts and heavy vehicle counts. -
Road Safety Data
NT Annual Traffic Data
NT traffic and transport data used by the Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics, other Northern Territory Government departments, state government road authorities, and commercial organisations. -
Road Safety Data
Crash Data from Queensland Roads
Information on location and characteristics of crashes in Queensland for all reported Road Traffic Crashes from 1 January 2001 to 30 November 2023. Fatal crashes to 30 November 2023. Non-fatal, hospitalisation, medical treatment and minor injury crashes to 30 June 2023 and property damage only... -
National Freight Data
Airport traffic Data
Monthly and annual details of passenger and aircraft movement data on scheduled regular Public Transport services at selected Australian airports. -
National Freight Data
Australian Domestic Airline Activity - time series
Monthly, calendar year and financial year reports on traffic carried by Australian domestic and regional airlines. -
National Freight Data
Trafficmap - Main Roads WA
Trafficmap provides easy access to view and download traffic counts collected across the state. Working closely with industry, trafficmap has been tailored to deliver services to drive effective traffic management decisions. Traffic counts are a mix of short term samples and continuous...