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Tags: Urban Type: Report Licences: Creative Commons At...

  • National Freight Data

    Progress in Australian Regions Yearbook 2019

    The Progress in Australian Regions—Yearbook is a statistical resource that measures progress in a region against social, economic, environmental and governance indicators. The Yearbook brings together information about Australia's regions from a range of different sources and presents that data...
  • National Freight Data

    Progress in Australian Regions Yearbook 2018

    The Progress in Australian Regions–Yearbook is a statistical resource that measures progress in a region against social, economic, environmental and governance indicators. The Yearbook brings together information about Australia's regions from a range of different sources and presents that data...
  • National Freight Data

    Progress in Australian Regions Yearbook 2017

    The Progress in Australian Regions–Yearbook is a statistical resource that measures progress in a region against social, economic, environmental and governance indicators. The Yearbook brings together information about Australia's regions from a range of different sources and presents that data...
  • National Freight Data

    Understanding Australia's urban railways

    Understanding Australia's Urban Railways provides an overview of the urban passenger and freight railways in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth and Adelaide. For passenger rail, the report explores service provision; patronage trends; recent and planned network expansion; and the key challenges...
You can also access this registry using the API (see API Docs).