Data Dictionary

Column Type Label Description
id text

Unique number generated on load into the Department's enterprise data management platform RADAR.

unique_identifier text

Unique identifier provided by the source agency.

status text

Status of the roadwork (i.e. Open, Active, Closed). This field is included for the user’s information only and is not harmonised. It is not consistently applied between jurisdictions.

category text

The category of road event the record relates to, determined by the NFDH. The categories in the dataset are as follows:
• Event
• Hazard
• Other
• Other Works
• Road Closure
• Road Conditions
• Roadworks

Any newly introduced ‘types’ (see below) which have not yet been mapped to one of the above categories sit in the ‘Unknown’ category. When identified, these new types will be mapped to one of the above categories by the NFDH team at earliest convenience.
• Unknown

updated_category text
type text

Classification of the type of roadwork, provided by the source agency. Each of the types provided by the states/territories are mapped to a ‘category’ to standardise the data. This field is included for the user’s information only and is not harmonised. It is not consistently applied between jurisdictions.

from_date text

Date and time the roadwork starts, in UTC format (milliseconds).

to_date text

Date and time the roadwork ends, in UTC format (milliseconds).

planned_start_date text

Date and time the roadwork is planned to start – This field is unpopulated for all records in the dataset as the source APIs do not include this information.

planned_end_date text

Date and time the roadwork is planned to end – This field is unpopulated as the source APIs do not include this information for all records in the dataset.

modified_date text

The date the record was last modified/updated in the source data, in UTC format (milliseconds).

description text

Textual description of the roadwork.

street_name text

Name of the road on which the work or closure is occurring.

side_street text

Human readable description of intersecting street nearest the start of the roadworks (could also be a motorway/freeway ramp).

end_side_street text

Human readable description of intersecting street nearest the end of the roadworks (could also be a motorway/freeway ramp) – This field is unpopulated for all records in the dataset as the source APIs do not include this information.

direction text

Direction/s of travel affected – This field is unpopulated for all records in the dataset as the source APIs do not include this information.

state text

The state/territory which has provided the record via their source API. Note that this does not always align with the state/territory managing the road, or the state/territory in which the road is located.

source_url text
capture_date text

The date the record was first captured in the NFDH dataset, in UTC format (milliseconds).

location text

Geospatial location of roadwork (point). This field is populated for all records. Where source data is provided as a point/polygon, this is simplified to a point in the NFDH dataset.

start_location text

Start location of the roadwork (point). This field is currently unpopulated for all records.

end_location text

End location of the roadwork (point). This field is currently unpopulated for all records.

hv_access text
lv_access text

Additional Information

Field Value
Data last updated 10 December 2024
Created 21 April 2023
Format ZIP
Licence Licence not specified
Ckan url
Datastore activeTrue
Has sample fileTrue
Has viewsTrue
Original url
Package idb9aeee49-372a-4960-9387-15927c9a5637
Resource idd11b1ebc-982d-4130-bedc-dc09cb3e4bd6
Sample records1,000
Task created2024-03-09 09:00:12.278624
Total records178,965