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Tags: Economy

  • Regional Data Hub

    NSW Land Values and Property Sales Map

    An online interactive map that allows users to view data on property sales and land value information in NSW, using data from the NSW Valuer General. Land value data is available for the last five years. Property sales data is available back to 2001 for individual addresses, and back five years...
  • Regional Data Hub

    Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas (SEIFA)

    The ABS Socio-Economic Index for Areas (SEIFA) ranks areas according to their relative socio-economic advantage and disadvantage using Census data. SEIFA is created on a number of different geographic boundaries including Local Government Area (LGA), SA1, SA2, Suburbs and Postcodes. The...
  • Regional Data Hub

    Rent and Sales Report - Interactive Dashboard, NSW

    An interactive dashboard showing NSW rent and property sales, created by the NSW Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ). Quarterly rental and sales data is available via an interactive dashboard for Local Government Areas (LGAs) and for LGAs and Postcodes as downloadable tables in Excel...
  • Regional Data Hub

    Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) Survey

    The Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) Survey is a household-based longitudinal survey. HILDA provides longitudinal data on topics such as family dynamics, economic well-being, subjective well-being, and labour market dynamics. HILDA is funded by the Australian Government...
  • Regional Data Hub

    Climate Risk Map of Australia

    The Climate Risk Map of Australia is an interactive map showing climate vulnerable places in Australia, prepared by the Climate Council of Australia. The map allows users to view the percentage of properties in a region which are at medium to high risk from climate impacts. The regions included...
  • Regional Data Hub

    National Waste Database and Reports

    Data on Australia's waste generation, recovery and fate for all waste streams and various material categories is available in the National Waste Report (PDF document) and the National Waste Database (Excel tables). Both the Report and the Database present information at national and...
  • Regional Data Hub

    National Waste Data Viewer

    A interactive dashboard created and updated by the Department Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW). It enables users to view summarised waste data across Australia, including material, waste stream, time period, or hazardous and non-hazardous waste. Data is available...
  • Regional Data Hub


    Data.Vic provides a searchable catalogue of Victorian Government open data, including a wide range of topics and geographic regions within Victoria. Users can search the portal using keywords and refine results using filters. Data.Vic is owned by the State Government of Victoria, and is...
  • Regional Data Hub

    NT Government Open Data Portal

    The NTG Open Data Portal provides a searchable catalogue of datasets and resources released openly by Northern Territory Government agencies, including a wide range of topics and geographic regions within the Northern Territory. Users can search the portal using keywords, refine results using...
  • Regional Data Hub

    Census Data

    Census data products provided by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), including demographic, education, employment and household data from the 2001 to 2021 Censuses. Includes online tables for QuickStats, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People Profiles, General Community Profiles,...
  • Regional Data Hub

    Tourism By Region - Local Government Area Profiles

    Tourism Research Australia’s Local Government Area Profiles assist industry and Government decision making and identify and support investment opportunities, particularly in regional Australia. Profiles are only prepared for Local Government Areas with adequate International Visitor Survey and/or...
  • Regional Data Hub

    Recycling Modernisation Fund Data Viewer

    An interactive dashboard created and updated by the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW). It allows users to search Recycling Modernisation Fund (RMF) funded projects by jurisdiction and location, and filter projects by material type, facility type, completion...
  • Regional Data Hub

    State Tourism Satellite Account

    The State Tourism Satellite Account (STSA) highlights the importance of tourism to each state and territory's economy. Key data includes consumption, Gross State Product (GSP), and employment.
  • Regional Data Hub

    PHIDU - Social Health Atlas

    From Public Health Information Development Unit's (PHIDU) homepage, users can access a range of resources including the following. Data workbooks in Excel (XLSX) format and online, interactive visualisations and maps present the latest Social Health Atlases of Australia by a range of geographies,...
  • Regional Data Hub

    The Geography of Australia's Digital Industries

    A report produced by the CSIRO and the Tech Council of Australia examining the geographical concentration of digital technology clusters across Australia. It also includes the online CSIRO Tech Industry Map, which allows users to view and interact with data showing the concentration of technology...
  • Regional Data Hub

    Australian Housing Data Analytics Platform (AHDAP)

    An online platform that brings together housing data and tools of analysis. The project is led by University of New South Wales (UNSW) and includes partner organisations from federal government (e.g., ABS, AIHW, and Housing Australia), state government, industry, and academia. The platform...
  • Regional Data Hub

    Local Council Waste and Resource Recovery Data, NSW

    The NSW Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) publishes local council data on domestic waste and recycling. Data is published annually based on voluntary survey responses from NSW local councils. Alongside a written report (PDF), each release includes data tables (Excel format) with extensive...
  • Regional Data Hub

    Dwelling Estimates Interactive Map

    The insight uses the ABS’s dwelling stock data to present estimates of Total Dwellings (Houses, Townhouses, and Apartments) for the 2016 to 2022 period.
  • Regional Data Hub

    Building Approvals, Australia

    The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) publishes the number of dwelling units approved and value of buildings approved, updated monthly. The publication collates data relating to approvals for constructions of new buildings, alterations to existing buildings, non-structural renovation and full...
  • Regional Data Hub

    Resources and Energy Quarterly

    The Resources and Energy Quarterly (REQ) contains the Office of the Chief Economist’s forecasts for the value, volume and price of Australia’s major resources and energy commodity exports.