25 datasets found | Can't find what you're looking for? Try on data.gov.au

Type: Collection

  • Regional Data Hub

    SA Climate Ready

    SA Climate Ready is a comprehensive set of downscaled climate projections data available for South Australia. Data is available for six climate variables (rainfall, temperature maximum, temperature minimum, areal potential evapotranspiration, solar radiation and vapour pressure deficit), using...
  • Regional Data Hub

    Property Sales and Trends, WA

    Data for top weekly property sales by suburb, gross rental value (GRV) statistics, and unimproved value (UV) statistics in Western Australia are published by Landgate, WA government. Weekly sales data includes the top 10 suburbs by total turnover and by numbers sold. Weekly top 10 most expensive...
  • Regional Data Hub

    Northern Territory Crime Statistics

    The Northern Territory crime statistics are prepared by the Department of the Attorney-General and Justice using data recorded by the Northern Territory Police. They are published on the NT Police, Fire and Emergency Services website. The statistics are updated on a monthly basis and provide...
  • Regional Data Hub

    Crime Statistics, Victoria

    Summary statistics, maps and data visualisations on crime in Victoria, produced by the Crime Statistics Agency as part of the Victoria State Government. Data is available on type of offences, victims, and demographic characteristics of alleged offenders. Data is available on local government...
  • Road Safety Data

    South Australia Road Crash Reports and Factsheets

    A collection of South Australian progress and road crash reports and factsheets for fatal and serious road crash facts including road user groups and local government area (LGA) maps.
  • Road Safety Data

    Australian Cycling Participation Survey - Austroads

    The National Cycling Participation Survey (NCPS) is a standardised survey that has been repeated biennially since 2011. The NCPS provides data on cycling participation at a national level and allows for estimates of participation for each state and territory, and the capital cities and...
  • Road Safety Data

    Road Safety Enforcement Data

    The road safety enforcement data provides summary series of road safety enforcement activities undertaken across the Australian states and territories from 2008-2022. The road safety enforcement data series is provided annually by state and territory police agencies and state revenue offices to...
  • Regional Data Hub

    ACARA Data Access Program

    ACARA collects, analyses and reports statistical and related information about schools and the outcomes of schooling. School profile data tables include information starting from 2008 on each school's suburb, postcode, state, school sector (government or non-government), school type (primary,...
  • Regional Data Hub

    Crime in Western Australia

    The Western Australia Police Force provides crime statistics in interactive graphs and tables, and as downloadable tables and reports. Data is provided on offence type and down to the suburb level. Data also available for WA state total and state-defined metropolitan and regional areas.
  • Regional Data Hub

    National Waste Database and Reports

    Data on Australia's waste generation, recovery and fate for all waste streams and various material categories is available in the National Waste Report (PDF document) and the National Waste Database (Excel tables). Both the Report and the Database present information at national and...
  • Regional Data Hub

    PHIDU - Social Health Atlas

    From Public Health Information Development Unit's (PHIDU) homepage, users can access a range of resources including the following. Data workbooks in Excel (XLSX) format and online, interactive visualisations and maps present the latest Social Health Atlases of Australia by a range of geographies,...
  • Regional Data Hub

    Local Council Waste and Resource Recovery Data, NSW

    The NSW Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) publishes local council data on domestic waste and recycling. Data is published annually based on voluntary survey responses from NSW local councils. Alongside a written report (PDF), each release includes data tables (Excel format) with extensive...
  • Regional Data Hub

    Queensland Crime Maps and Statistics

    The Queensland Police Service provides data on crime statistics through three main formats: An interactive crime map, annual reports as downloadable PDF documents, and downloadable CSV datasets. The interactive crime map provides information on the types of crimes that happened in Queensland over...
  • Road Safety Data

    Road Trauma Australia Statistical Summary

    This report is the latest in the BITRE series of annual road crash statistical reports. It presents annual counts of road deaths, injuries and standardised rates.
  • Road Safety Data

    Modelling Road Safety in Australian States and Territories

    This information sheet describes modelling of road fatality rates for the eight Australian States and Territories, and fatality and injury rates for Australia as a whole. The models are constructed; 1) to allow an understanding of the past forces underlying the fatality rates in each jurisdiction...
  • Regional Data Hub

    Property Sales Statistics, Victoria

    The Valuer-General Victoria releases annual and quarterly property sales statistics. The annual release includes comprehensive sales data over a 10-year period for Local Government Areas (LGAs), suburbs, and other Victoria-specific regional breakdowns (e.g., metropolitan versus country...
  • Regional Data Hub

    First Languages Australia

    Information and data sources on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages. Includes interactive resources such as the Gambay: Australian First Languages Map. Also includes educational tools and resources for communities working on building language strength.
  • Regional Data Hub

    Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) data by geography

    This online table lists Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) releases which include data for geographies smaller than the state or territory level, allowing users to find and click through to releases with data available at their desired geography. The releases listed include a...
  • Regional Data Hub


    Data.SA provides a searchable catalogue of datasets and resources released openly by South Australian Government agencies and local councils, including a wide range of topics and geographic regions within South Australia. Users can search the portal using keywords, refine results using filters,...
  • Regional Data Hub


    Data.NSW provides a searchable catalogue of datasets and resources released openly by New South Wales Government agencies, including a wide range of topics and geographic regions within New South Wales. Users can search the portal using keywords, refine results using filters, or browse datasets...
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