85 datasets found | Can't find what you're looking for? Try on data.gov.au

Licences: Licence not specifi... Tags: National

  • National Freight Data

    Survey of Motor Vehicle Use, Australia

    Estimates of kilometres travelled, tonne-kilometres travelled, tonnes carried and fuel use for the 12 months ended 30 June 2020. Includes sub-annual estimates.
  • National Freight Data

    National Formal Rest Areas

    Regular stops and the opportunity for rest breaks are essential for safe driving, and formal rest areas are provided to help drivers manage fatigue and comply with driving hours regulations (by providing an opportunity for sleep and rest breaks). Information on rest area locations and facilities...
  • National Freight Data

    Australian Aggregate Freight Forecasts - 2019 Update

    This report presents long-term forecasts of total Australian freight volumes, for road, rail, coastal shipping and aviation, between 2018 and 2040.
  • National Freight Data

    Trade Statistics - Ports Australia

    Trade Statistics provided by Ports Australia's members
  • Road Safety Data

    Severe Injuries from Road Crashes

    These data extracts from the Australia New Zealand Trauma Registry (ANZTR) provide summary of tables of severe injury cases (admitted patients with an Injury Severity Score > 12) from participating hospitals. The report has separate tables for on-road transport, off-road transport, unknown...
  • National Freight Data

    Asset Registers

    This dataset is a harmonised version of the 2017 and 2018 Asset Registers and Heavy Vehicle Infrastructure Ratings spreadsheets from State and Territory road managers, allowing for detailed inspection and visualisation of selected values for State and Territory managed roads for 2017 and 2018.
  • National Freight Data

    International airline activity

    These reports summarise annual (calendar or financial year) international aircraft, passenger, freight and mail movements, flights, available seats, seat load factors and airline market shares. Details are provided for airline, country, city pair and airport.
  • Regional Data Hub

    Social and affordable housing: needs, costs and subsidy gaps by region

    Estimates and analysis of unmet housing need across Australia, as developed by the UNSW City Futures Research Centre from 2021 Census data. This interactive resource identifies households in rental stress or facing homelessness across Australia. Data is available at national, state, Statistical...
  • National Freight Data

    Asset Registers and Heavy Vehicle Infrastructure Ratings (HVIR)

    The road Asset Registers provide detailed information on the dimensions, construction and condition of each 100m segment of road. The Heavy Vehicle Infrastructure Ratings (HVIR) give an overview of level of service provided to heavy vehicle operators across various road categories.
  • National Freight Data

    Harmonised National Roadworks and Road Closures

    This national harmonised dataset uses daily updates from State and Territory roadworks endpoints (APIs) to build a nationally consistent, harmonised historic database of roadworks and road closures over time across all of Australia. By doing the work of collecting and harmonising data to the...
  • National Freight Data

    Road Construction Cost

    This report benchmarks the costs of road construction and the timeliness of infrastructure procurement processes for projects undertaken by states and territories since 2015.
  • National Freight Data

    Trainline statistical reports

    Trainline is a compendium of Australia's railways providing insights, analysis, and an understanding of the railway industry.
  • National Freight Data

    Maritime Business - Voyage Reports

    The Coastal Trading (Revitalising Australian Shipping) Act 2012 requires copies of all voyage reports received to be published on the Department's website.
  • National Freight Data

    Agricultural commodities and trade data

    Latest data; Agricultural Commodity Statistics; Australian Commodity Statistics.
  • National Freight Data

    Interstate freight in Australia

    his report provides estimates and forecasts of interstate freight moving between 56 state-to-state origin-destination pairs, for example, South Australia-Queensland.
  • National Freight Data

    External Costs of Inter-Capital Freight in Australia

    Paper given to the 33rd Australasian Transport Research Forum, 29 September–1 October 2010, Canberra. Author: Jack McAuley.
  • National Freight Data

    Australian transport statistics Yearbook 2009

    Australian Transport Statistics provides a short summary of a diverse range of transport statistics. Topics include employment, GDP, infrastructure expenditure, passenger and freight movements, trade, motor vehicles, fatalities and estimated greenhouse gas emissions attributed to the transport...
  • National Freight Data

    Overseas imports by port of discharge, commodity (3-digit SITC revision 4) and c...

    Statistical releases related to overseas merchandise imports of goods destined for Queensland and other States and Territories. These include breakdowns by country, commodity, industry and port.
  • National Freight Data

    Road Freight Estimates by State/Territory

    Paper given to the 31st Australasian Transport Research Forum, 2 October–3 October 2008, Gold Coast. Authors: David Gargett, Afzal Hossain
  • National Freight Data

    Overseas exports and imports of goods, value, Queensland and Australia, 1988–89 ...

    Statistical releases related to overseas merchandise exports and imports of goods originating from and destined for Queensland and other States and Territories.
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