Mortality Over Regions and Time (MORT) books

Mortality Over Regions and Time (MORT) books are Excel (XLSX) workbooks that contain recent mortality data (2016-2020) for specific geographical areas of Australia, sourced from the AIHW National Mortality Database. The workbooks also present the leading 20 causes of death by sex for specific geographical areas of Australia. MORT books are also available as online, interactive data visualisations. These visualisations allow users to select a specific geographical area and view data associated with it. Geographies include Local Government Area (LGA), Primary Health Network (PHN), State and Territory, Statistical Area Level 3 (SA3), Statistical Area Level 4 (SA4), and Remoteness Area.

Data and Resources


Additional Info

Field Value
Author Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW)
Last Updated August 15, 2023, 07:06 (UTC)
Created May 8, 2023, 06:15 (UTC)
Asset Type Interactive Resource
AGIFT Theme Statistical Services
Source (Internal / External) External - Other
Access Rights Open
Temporal Coverage From 2016
Temporal Coverage To 2020
Geographic Scope National
Data Status Non-current
Update Frequency Annually