Victorian Local Government Waste Data Dashboard

Since 2000, the Victorian Government has surveyed councils about their kerbside collection services (for rubbish, mixed recycling, glass recycling and food organics and garden organics) and other council-related waste services, including the tonnages, costs and composition. The dataset is published annually as an interactive online dashboard and a downloadable CSV data table. In both formats, data is available per council (i.e., Local Government Area). The dashboard can also be filtered according to larger Victoria-specific regions.

Data and Resources


Additional Info

Field Value
Author Recycling Victoria
Last Updated October 6, 2023, 03:23 (UTC)
Created October 4, 2023, 06:01 (UTC)
Asset Type Interactive Resource
AGIFT Theme Statistical Services
Source (Internal / External) External - Other
Access Rights Open
Temporal Coverage From 2000
Geographic Scope State / Territory
Data Status Current
Update Frequency Annually