Freight Train Movement Data from ARTC

Train count and speed have been modelled by analysing GPS pings transmitted by trains and assigning them to the nearest point on the nearest rail segment. This data has been summarised by train service and rail segment for publication.

The GeoJSON map includes track gauge, length and geospatial lines. Users can use it to visualise average speed and calculate distance travelled for each train service.

Origin (or destination) refers to the most plausible stop location closest to and within 50km of the first (or last) ping. It prioritises locations within intermodal or urban boundaries.
Note: A small number of trains were not tracked for the entirety of their trip.

Tonnage is the gross mass of the longest leg of the journey for a train, aggregated by origin-destination and commodity. This has been replaced with 'NA' for routes where a train travelled on the ARTC operated network for less than 50% of its journey.

This data product will always have the latest 12 months of anonymised data.

The following dashboard displays modelled data showing the number of trains by combinations of different freight train characteristics such as commodity type or distances travelled, by train length and mass. Click here to view this visualisation in full screen.

Data and Resources


Additional Info

Field Value
Author NFDH
Maintainer NFDH
Last Updated August 1, 2024, 04:47 (UTC)
Created September 22, 2023, 03:15 (UTC)
Purpose For Collection The original operational data was collected for the purposes of planning for and monitoring train movements in real time across the ARTC rail network. It consisted of train schedules and attributes (RAMS), and GPS pings with timestamp (ICE).
Asset Type Dataset
AGIFT Theme Transport
Source (Internal / External) Internal
Access Rights Open
Temporal Coverage From 2018
Temporal Coverage To 2023
Geographic Scope National
Data Status Current
Update Frequency Biannually