Census Data

Census data products provided by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), including demographic, education, employment and household data from the 2001 to 2021 Censuses. Includes online tables for QuickStats, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People Profiles, General Community Profiles, Time Series Profiles, and Working Population Profiles. Profiles are also available in Excel (XLSX) format.

Data and Resources


Additional Info

Field Value
Source https://www.abs.gov.au/census/find-census-data/search-by-area
Author Australian Bureau of Statistics
Last Updated August 15, 2023, 06:46 (UTC)
Created November 24, 2022, 00:02 (UTC)
Asset Type Interactive Resource
AGIFT Theme Statistical Services
Source (Internal / External) External - Other
Access Rights Open
Geographic Scope National
Data Status Current
Update Frequency > Annually