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Regional Data Hub
Regional Development Australia Priority Matrix
Regional Development Australia Committees (RDAs) work across key priority areas to optimise impact in the regions. The priority matrix is a snap-shot of each RDA’s focus areas. The RDA matrix helps to identify common issues or challenges, and identify opportunities of working together with other... -
Regional Data Hub
Australian Exposure Information Portal
The Australian Exposure Information Portal (AEIP) provides access to nationally consistent exposure information and is created by Geoscience Australia (GA), in partnership with the Bushfire & Natural Hazard CRC. It can be used to assess risk from natural or man-made hazards. It includes... -
Regional Data Hub
Primary Health Network (PHN) locator map
An interactive map that allows users to identify their local Primary Health Network (PHN) region, produced by the Department of Health and Aged Care. Users can find the PHN for a location by clicking the map or searching for an address. Overlays are available for electorates and Statistical Area... -
Regional Data Hub
Authorised Deposit-Taking Institutions' Points of Presence Statistics
The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) publishes an annually-updated database of physical banking service channels (ATMs, EFTPOS machines, branches, and other face-to-face channels providing branch-level services) provided by authorised deposit-taking institutions (e.g., banks,... -
Regional Data Hub
Mortality Over Regions and Time (MORT) books
Mortality Over Regions and Time (MORT) books are Excel (XLSX) workbooks that contain recent mortality data (2016-2020) for specific geographical areas of Australia, sourced from the AIHW National Mortality Database. The workbooks also present the leading 20 causes of death by sex for specific... -
Regional Data Hub
Regional Development Australia Interactive Map
Regional Development Australia (RDA) is a national network of 53 committees across Australia’s capital cities and regions, including the Indian Ocean Territories and Norfolk Island. This interactive map displays the area covered by each RDA committee, alongside Local Government Areas (LGA)... -
Regional Data Hub
Personal Income in Australia
Regional data on the number of income earners, amounts received and distribution of income across Australia, published by the Australian Bureau of Statistics. This dataset is produced from the Linked Employer-Employee Dataset (LEED) and covers financial years from 2015-16 to 2019-20. Data is... -
Regional Data Hub
My School
My School provides information that helps parents and the community in understanding the performance of schools over time. My School contains data on every school in Australia, searchable by school name, suburb, state, school sector (government or non-government), and school type (primary,... -
Regional Data Hub
Medicare-subsidised GP, allied health and specialist health care across local ar...
The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) provides downloadable datasets covering the use of non-hospital Medicare-subsidised services, such as GP, allied health, specialist, diagnostic imaging, and nursing and Aboriginal health workers. The data are presented at national and state... -
Regional Data Hub
Census Mortgage and Rent Affordability Indicators for LGAs and SA2s
These tables provide counts of households according to indicators of mortgage and rent affordability, crossed with equivalised household income. The data is sourced from Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Census of Population and Housing data for 2011, 2016, and 2021. The data is aggregated... -
Regional Data Hub
The Geography of Australia's Digital Industries
A report produced by the CSIRO and the Tech Council of Australia examining the geographical concentration of digital technology clusters across Australia. It also includes the online CSIRO Tech Industry Map, which allows users to view and interact with data showing the concentration of technology... -
Regional Data Hub
Health Workforce Data Tool
An interactive data platform provided by the Department of Health and Aged Care, enabling access to different Health Workforce Datasets including the National Health Workforce Dataset. The data is available to the public but users must register first. Users can build their own customised tables... -
Regional Data Hub
ACARA Data Access Program
ACARA collects, analyses and reports statistical and related information about schools and the outcomes of schooling. School profile data tables include information starting from 2008 on each school's suburb, postcode, state, school sector (government or non-government), school type (primary,... -
Regional Data Hub
National Waste Data Viewer
A interactive dashboard created and updated by the Department Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW). It enables users to view summarised waste data across Australia, including material, waste stream, time period, or hazardous and non-hazardous waste. Data is available... -
Regional Data Hub
Estimating Homelessness: Census
The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) provides estimates of people experiencing homelessness or who are marginally housed. Estimates are calculated every five years from the Census of Population and Housing, starting from 2006. Available geographic levels include SA2, SA3, SA4, States and... -
Regional Data Hub
Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) Survey
The Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) Survey is a household-based longitudinal survey. HILDA provides longitudinal data on topics such as family dynamics, economic well-being, subjective well-being, and labour market dynamics. HILDA is funded by the Australian Government... -
Regional Data Hub
Environmental-Economic Accounts Dashboard
This dashboard provides easy access to Environmental-Economic Accounts, produced by the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) and the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). The dashboard displays data on the state of natural capital assets, such as land, water... -
Regional Data Hub
Climate Risk Map of Australia
The Climate Risk Map of Australia is an interactive map showing climate vulnerable places in Australia, prepared by the Climate Council of Australia. The map allows users to view the percentage of properties in a region which are at medium to high risk from climate impacts. The regions included... -
Regional Data Hub
Australian Housing Data Analytics Platform (AHDAP)
An online platform that brings together housing data and tools of analysis. The project is led by University of New South Wales (UNSW) and includes partner organisations from federal government (e.g., ABS, AIHW, and Housing Australia), state government, industry, and academia. The platform... -
Regional Data Hub
Regional Insights for Indigenous Communities
The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare's Regional Insights for Indigenous Communities tool provides demographic information related to Indigenous Australians across Indigenous boundaries. Data includes demography, wellbeing, education, work, culture and language.